With Braun’s new MultiFry 5 creating healthy and tasty dishes has never been easier. Thanks to RealAir Technology your food benefits from super-hot air circulation for crispy results that are still tender on the inside. And you’ll love the time you save since no preheat time is needed and you are 50% faster.
Supervarm luft cirkuleras runt maten, vilket gör den krispig men fortfarande mör på insidan – med upp till 90 % mindre fett*. *Jämfört med hemlagad färskpotatis som tillagats i en konventionell fritös.
With the RealAir Technology no preheat time is needed and you are 50% faster*. *cooking 500 gr Frozen French Fries than A class traditional electric Oven
Ställ automatiskt in tid och temperatur för att enkelt förbereda dina favoriter.
Enjoy healthy recipes. Thanks to our RealAir Technology, you get all the delicious taste you love, using little to no oil. *Compared to homemade fresh potatoes prepared in conventional deep fryer.
The spacious drawer gives you plenty of capacity to cook a variety of snacks, sides and full meals: like 1.5 kg of chicken or 1.4 kg of french fries.
Spara upp till 70 % energi* medan du lagar goda måltider på ett effektivt sätt. *Tillagning av frysta pommes frites snabbare än en traditionell ugn.
Ställer automatiskt in tid och temperatur för att enkelt tillreda dina favoriter.
No more hassle with cleaning. The basket and grid are easily removable and can be put into the dishwasher.