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Mindre, lättare och kraftfullare än någonsin. Den nya CareStyle 3 är utformad för platseffektiv förvaring och enkel hantering och är nu 11 % mindre än den tidigare modellen. Trots den kompakta storleken har den en ny XXL 2-liters behållare som låter dig stryka i upp till 2,5 timme* utan att behöva pausa och fylla på vatten. Och den är full av smarta tidsbesparande funktioner. Du får 50 % mer tid** över till det som är viktigt i livet tack vare den unika kombinationen av FreeGlide 3D-teknik och DoubleSteam-teknik – vilket är standard för hela CareStyle-sortimentet. Dessutom har den det nya innovativa Easy CalcClean-systemet, som bara tar två minuter att avkalka.
* I Eco-läge
** Ger 50 % tidsbesparing (internt laboratorietest, jämfört med
Braun TS 5 ångstrykjärn)
Greater steam performance* and XL tank in a compact/small size. *compared to IS1012
No more getting caught on buttons and pockets.
Braun’s best gliding soleplate. Even backwards.
Smart iCare mode protects your clothes with a safe temperature for all kinds of ironable fabrics – for smart textile protection.
For delicate fabrics. Save more than 48% energy* without compromising on great results. *Compared to the highest setting
For the toughest fabrics.
Allows you to iron hanging garments from shirts to curtains without any constraints.
6 bar pump pressure
Heavy steam output makes the steam generator iron a more powerful and easy way to keep all of your garments wrinkle-free.
11% smaller footprint than the previous model, the new CareStyle 3 is ideally designed for easy space saving storage and simple handling on your ironing board.
Protects your steam generator, prolonging its lifespan, for long lasting performance.
The easily removable water tank features a large opening that makes it very easy to refill at the faucet.
Easy lock system to store the iron securely and easily.
Designed to make the ironing experience even more enjoyable and relaxing.
Produce more than twice as much steam as normal steam irons*, which helps cut your ironing time in half. Steam rate is 100% higher so you only have to go over a spot once.* Internal laboratory test, compared to Braun TexStyle 5.
The new 2-liter tank gives you up to 2.5 hours* of uninterrupted ironing. Enjoy the increased flexibility of ironing without having to stop for water. *in Eco setting
Protects your clothes from water stains and leakage during ironing even at low temperatures.