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MultiGrill 9 Pro

Brauns bästa prestanda. För professionella grillresultat.

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Upptäck ultimat bekvämlighet.

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Breakfast Series 1

Precis vad du behöver. Börja dagen på rätt sätt.

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Steam generator irons

Spara 50 % av tiden* till det som verkligen betyder något.

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Tillbehör och accessoarer till stavmixern

Upplev mångsidigheten

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Roliga och enkla recept från Braun.

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Eat well, live well

Det är enkelt att äta nyttigt

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Dödar över 99,99 % av alla virus och bakterier¹.

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Upptäck Brauns produkter för hårborttagning, grooming och hudvård.

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Braun. Design for what matters.

Designed for what matters.

ブラウンは、優れたデザインの力で 生活をより良い物にすることができると信じています。100年前も、現在も。


From inventor’s workshop to global brand

Braun 1920 - Ingenius


In the early 1920s, engineer Max Braun founds a machine-building workshop in Frankfurt am Main. On the strength of its groundbreaking inventions for the emerging radio broadcasting industry, the firm opens its own factory building with 400 employees in 1928.
Braun 1940 - Helpful


Braun 1951 – Visionary


Braun 1960 – Less, but better


Braun 1967 – Innovative


Braun today


Braun KM 3 food processor

Braun produced the KM 3 food processor for more than three decades.

Here you can see the KM 3-31 model from 1957. The development of the KM 3 began with the construction of a test model to determine the most suitable rotational speed for the drive. After extensive mixing and kneading trials, the development team designed the drive unit. When it came to the form of the KM 3, the design department developed various models of the base plate, bowl, mixing arm and motor base that were combined with the technology until the first preproduction model, the wistar, emerged.

The 10 Principles of Good Design by Dieter Rams

Hired as an architect for redesigning Braun’s office Dieter Rams became one of the leading designers, who developed Braun’s memorable design language and defined the 10 principles of good design, a design manual that is still relevant today.

1 Good design is innovative.

The possibilities for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted. Technological development is always offering new opportunities for innovative design.

Braun innovative Design – Radio

2 Good design makes a product useful.

A product is bought to be used. It has to satisfy certain criteria, not only functional, but also psychological and aesthetic. Good design emphasises the usefulness of a product whilst disregarding anything that could possibly detract from it.

Braun useful Design – Citrus Juicer

3 Good design is aesthetic.

The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products we use every day affect our person and our well-being. But only well-executed objects can be beautiful.

Braun innovative Design – Radio

4 Good design makes a product understandable.

It clarifies the product’s structure. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory.

Braun innovative Design – Radio

5 Good design is unobtrusive.

Products fulfilling a purpose are like tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained, to leave room for the user’s self-expression.

Braun Design is unobtrusive.

6 Good design is honest.

It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.

Braun Design is honest.

7 Good design is long-lasting.

It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated. Unlike fashionable design, it lasts many years - even in today’s throwaway society.

Braun Design is long-lasting.

8 Good design is thorough to the last detail.

Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the consumer.

Braun Design is thorough

9 Good design is environmentally friendly.

Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment. It conserves resources and minimises physical and visual pollution throughout the lifecycle of the product.

Braun Design  is environmentally friendly.

10 Hyvä muotoilu tarkoittaa mahdollisimman vähän muotoilua.

Vähemmän, mutta paremmin – koska se keskittyy olennaisiin asioihin, eikä tuotteita kuormiteta millään tarpeettomalla. Takaisin selkeyteen, takaisin yksinkertaisuuteen.

Braun Design – Less is more

Take a video tour through the Braun Museum in Kronberg, near Frankfurt.

The Braun Museum showcases the great history of Braun with many insides and interesting facts and figures about products from the past and today.

Braun museum - Coffee machines

Braun luo parempaa elämää varten – silloin kauan sitten, nyt ja tulevaisuudessakin.

1953 | Braun-tehdas

Braun Multimix -tehosekoitin

Pirtelöstä tuli 50-luvulla länsimainen vakioherkku osittain Multimixin ansiosta – kyseessä oli huipputason tehosekoitin irrotettavalla lasisella sekoitusastialla. Laite silppuaa kaupallisen tuotannon kaltaisella tehokkuudella. Edelleen laajalti käytössä.

Braun Multimix Blender – Braun Factory 1953

1957 | Gerd Alfred Müller


A hugely influential blender or “food processor” as it was known that birthed a whole new product category: “kitchen machines” or appliances. With its hyper-reduced, simple and useful design one of the most influential industrial products of all time.

Braun Food Processor

1963 | Reinhold Weiss

KSM 1/11

Design doesn’t get much more minimalistic than this: a coffee grinder so purpose-built it needed just one, centrally placed button to operate. Finely ground beans were just a finger click away.

Braun Coffee Grinder

1963 | Reinhold Weiss

HT 2

This toaster’s sleek, reduced design so inspired renowned artist Richard Hamilton that he based one of his works (aptly titled ‘Toaster’) on it. Oh, and it also browned bread to perfection.

Braun Toaster

1972 | Florian Seiffert

KF 20

With a stacked, vertical design that resembled a water tower, the KF 20 was known as the Aromaster. Instantly recognizable for its unconventional shape, this coffee maker added a touch of the extraordinary to everyday morning filter coffee. 

Braun Coffee Maker Aromaster

1972 | Jürgen Greubel, Dieter Rams

MPZ 22

This electric juicer, also known as the citromatic, was a dependable and incredibly easy-to-clean staple of kitchens across the world for decades. It took over two decades before Braun decided an update to the original design was due.

Braun Citrus Juicer

1981 | Ludwig Littmann

MR 6

A precursor of the more sophisticated MR 500, the MR 6 was sturdy and tough, meaning it could blend foods that other products couldn't handle. An important stepping stone on the way to perfecting the handheld blender.

Braun Handblender

1984 | Hartwig Kahlcke

KF 40

This coffeemaker was somehow controversial within Braun, being made of cost-efficient polypropylene rather than sturdier polycarbonate, Braun's go-to plastic. Hence the KF 40's corrugated surface states a design solution that won over Dieter Rams.

Braun Coffee Maker

2016 | Markus Orthey, Ludwig Littmann

MultiQuick 9

An all-round food blender that condensed the functionalities of devices many times its size into a simple, handheld 'wand'. The definition of reduced design: compact, yet powerful.

Braun Handblender
Braun Museum

A brief story about the history of Braun household products.

Today’s success of Braun’s household products is based on a company history full of excellent science and thoughtful development. We have brought together a few of Braun’s leading light creations, from the very beginning until today. Even more time travelling and a thrilling online experience awaits if you visit the Virtual Braun Museum.

​​​​​​​Visit the Museum