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Alimentație sănătoasă, simplu și rapid

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A man slices a cucumber using the Braun MQ 5 Pro Hand blender and the Mini Food Processor Attachment.
  • Nou

MultiQuick 5 Pro

Versatilitate supremă.
Rezultate de până la 4x mai fine.*

*vs. Braun MQ10.000P testat pe lapte de migdale

Braun MultiQuick 5 Pro

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Mixer vertical MultiQuick 5 Pro MQ 55755 M

  • 378,00 LEI
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Mixer vertical MultiQuick 5 Pro MQ 55254 M

  • 338,00 LEI
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Mixer vertical MultiQuick 5 Pro MQ 55001 M

  • 238,00 LEI
Elevate your dips with the Mini food processor.

Elevate your dips with the Mini food processor.

Slice, shred, chop, or mix your own delicious dips – now smaller, lighter and super easy to handle. With a 45% smaller footprint* you can save space without compromising on features.
* Compared to Braun XL FP 2.0 L.
Unleash precision with the SizeControl chopper.

Unleash precision with the SizeControl chopper.

Now there’s no limits when it comes to great chopping results. You’ll love the precision that the SizeControl chopper delivers. This 3-in-1 solution lets you chop hard foods – or even crush ice – in three different textures: Fine, medium and coarse.
Faster and up to 4 times finer blending results.*

Faster and up to 4 times finer blending results.*

PowerBell VPlus features an extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs. This additional cutting area delivers more cutting per rotation, which enables faster and up to 4 times finer results*.
* Vs. Braun MQ10.000P on almond milk.
Fast and easy preparation.

Fast and easy preparation.

You’ll appreciate the perfect interaction of the variable one-hand speed wheel with its 25 easily adjustable speeds and highly efficient 1000 W motor.
Braun MultiQuick 5 Pro  Hand blender versatility

Experimentează versatilitatea mixerului vertical MultiQuick 5 Pro.

Atingeți pentru a începe
Braun MultiQuick 5 Pro  Hand blender versatility
Pregătit pentru orice - acum cu amprentă redusă cu 45%*.

Feliază, mărunțește, toacă sau amestecă propriile sosuri sau creme delicioase - acum mai mic, mai ușor și super simplu de utilizat.

Tocător SizeControl

3-în-1 - controlează textura dupa preferințe. Mărunțește alimentele dure sau gheața în 3 texturi diferite: fină, medie sau grosieră.

Rezultate mai rapide și de până la 4 ori mai fine.*

Tehnologia PowerBell VPlus prezintă o lamă de mărunțire adițională și 6 nervuri interioare ce împreună asigură extra tăieturi per rotație.
*vs. Braun MQ10.000P testat pe lapte de migdale

More innovative features.

SplashControl Technology.

Enjoy perfect results with no mess. Every Braun Hand blender is equipped with the unique Power Bell blending shaft – designed with Splash Control Technology to keep you and your kitchen spotless.

SplashControl Technology.

EasyClick System Plus.

Faster attaching of EasyClick Plus accessories thanks to bigger, easier to use buttons and the intuitive straight cut design.

EasyClick System Plus.

Dishwasher safe attachments.

Refer to the instruction manual for detailed information.

Dishwasher safe attachments.

All this. And more.

Discover the latest addition to the world’s largest attachment system¹ with the new MultiQuick 5 Pro attachments. Thanks to a new range of attachments, preparing your favourite recipes is now even easier.
Blending Shaft Recipe Media

The easy way to creamy perfection.
Blend even the hardest foods thanks to the world's first ActiveBlade Technology.

Chopper Recipe Media

Chopper 500ml and 350ml
Chops & minces anything in just seconds. Cheese, nuts, herbs - you name it.

Food Processor Recipe Media

The ultimate all-in-one attachment.
Chop, blend, knead, slice, shred, dice - all in a 2L bowl.

Blender Recipe Media

Chopping, blending and ice-crushing.
Perfect for blending smooth shakes and drinks or crushing ice easily.

Puree Recipe Media

Mashing & puréeing
Convenient and fast preparation of perfect mashed potatoes and vegetables.

Spice Grinder Recipe Media

Freshly grinded spices – without picking up odours.
Grind your coffee beans and spices within seconds.

Top Blending Shaft Media Top Chopper Media Top Food Processor Media Top Blender Media Top Puree Media Top Spice Grinder Media
Middle Blending Shaft Media Middle Chopper Media Middle Food Processor Media Middle Blender Media Middle Puree Media Middle Spice Grinder Media
Bottom Blending Shaft Media Bottom Chopper Media Bottom Food Processor Media Bottom Blender Media Bottom Puree Media Bottom Spice Grinder Media

Caring for a more sustainable future.

The motor unit is made of 30% recycled plastic.

The motor unit is made of 30% recycled plastic.

The packaging includes a minimum of 87% up to 100% recycled cardboard.

The packaging includes a minimum of 87% up to 100% recycled cardboard.

Sustainable design.

Learn more about Braun’s approach on sustainability.

Multiple Braun HouseHold Products

Discover more


Braun's new MultiQuick 9

Experience unlimited versatility. You can do it all.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender

Less food waste

Food waste: What are the causes and how can we eliminate it?

Less food waste

¹ Comparative analysis on number of hand blenders' accessories marketed by competitors – year 2022