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Pokiaľ ide o vynikajúce a rýchlejšie výsledky, QuickStyle7 je vybavený technológiou FastSteam pre výkon na vyššej úrovni s príkonom 1600 wattov a až 35 g/min nepretržitej pary pre rýchle a účinné dokonalé vyžehlenie. A aby ste dosiahli ešte rýchlejšie výsledky, žehliaca plocha je vyhrievaná, čo vám umožní osviežiť oblečenie ani nie za minútu*. Je vybavený novým systémom ActiClean Easy, ktorý zaisťuje rýchle a jednoduché čistenie s dlhou životnosťou. iCare technológia chráni vaše oblečenie pred spálením alebo poškodením počas naparovania.
*testované s bavlneným tričkom veľkosti M
Braun descaling technology delivers quick and easy cleaning in seconds. This technology protects your garment steamer from calc and can prolong your garment steamer’s lifetime.
Powerful steam for quick and easy de-wrinkling and miximization of water vaporization for a perfect finish.
The unique upward curving soleplate on both sides guarantees 360° glideability. Glide over any obstacle like buttons and pockets, without getting stuck.
Smart iCare Technology protects your clothes with a safe temperature. Faster, easier steaming.
Refresh your outfit in less than 1 minute*. The heated soleplate can be applied directly onto your clothes for even better steaming results and additional wrinkle smoothing. *Tested with cotton t-shirt size M
Get rid of wrinkles fast – horizontally or vertically. Simply hang your clothes on a hanger to steam them, or lay them on a bed or table.
Getting ready just got faster and easier – just plug in and the QuickStyle 7 is ready to power steam in only 35 seconds.
Ergonomically designed to be easy to use and lightweight, our handheld steamers are comfortable for steaming in any position. Thanks to the compact design also convenient to store.
Enjoy fast wrinkle removal without the hassle of setting up an ironing board first. Simply steam clothes that are vertically hanging or horizontally lying on a bed for the perfect look in no time.
Equipped with an extra-long 3 m cable for better manoeuvrability. This makes it easy to steam hard to reach things like curtains, sofas and pet furniture with greater freedom of movement.
For maximum convenience and ease of use, you’ll love the clever steam lock. One click is all it takes to get steady, continuous steam without having to hold the trigger.