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  1. MultiQuick 7
  2. MultiQuick 7 Hand blender MQ 700 Soup
Hand blenders

MultiQuick 7 Hand blender MQ 700 Soup


Opis proizvoda

The MultiQuick 7 hand blender MQ 700 Soup has a smart speed technology - the more you squeeze, the more power you get. Gently press the speed regulator to accelerate the hand blender, release to slow it down. One squeeze, all speeds.

Što je u kutiji

MultiQuick 7 Hand blender

MultiQuick 7 Hand blender




Compatible with wave cut attachments

This motor unit is compatible with all Braun attachments with wave cut design.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing – to keep you and your kitchen spotless.

PowerBell Technology

Unique hand blending technology proven to produce finer more even results.

Advanced SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the more power you get. Featuring an extra-large control button for better handling and comfort.

750w motor

Powerful, highly efficient motor.

EasyClick System

Two buttons, one movement for quick and easy changing of all the great EasyClick accessories.

600 ml BPA-free plastic beaker

The 600 ml plastic beaker is BPA free and features ml and floz measurement markings.


German Design Award Special 2016

German Design Award Special 2016

The German Design Council is one of the world’s leading centers of expertise on design. The aim of the German Design Award is to identify, present and honor unique design trends.

Tehnički podaci

Priručnik Pogledaj Upute
    • Snaga u wattima (W): 750
    • Ručka za meki hvat: Da
    • Bez BPA (dijelovi u kontaktu s hranom): Da
    • Boja: Premium black / brushed stainless steel
    • Materijal osovine za blendanje: Stainless steel
    • Duljina kabela za napajanje: 1.2 m
    • Blokada za sigurnost djece s indikatorom napajanja: Da
    • Materijal noža: Stainless steel
    • Dijelovi perivi u perilici za suđe (pogledajte upute): Da
    • Postavke brzine: Seamless variable speed from low to high
    • Regulacija brzine: Intuitive, seamless SmartSpeed button
    • Sustav EasyClick: brza i jednostavna promjena dodatne opreme: EasyClick system
    • Tehnologija PowerBell uz SPLASHControl: za besprijekorne rezultate: Da
    • Vrč 600 ml: Da
    • Sjeckalica (ml): Ne
    • Miješalica od nehrađajućeg čelika: Ne
    • Umetak za kuhinjski robot: alat za rezanje: Ne
    • Umetak za kuhinjski robot: julienne: Ne
    • Umetak za kuhinjski robot: kuka za tijesto: Ne
    • Umetak za kuhinjski robot: rezanje na kriške (tanke + debele): Ne
    • Umetak za kuhinjski robot: pomfrit: Ne
    • Sjeckalica / blender 1,25 l s nožem za drobljenje leda i nožem za blendanje: Ne
    • Mlinac za kavu i začine: Ne
    • Dodatak za pire /gnječenje: Ne
    • Food processor insert: slicing (thin): Ne
    • Food processor insert: slicing (thick): Ne
MultiQuick 7 Hand blender MQ 700 Soup