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Wardrobe Inventory

Maximum minimalism for your wardrobe.

Maximum minimalism for your wardrobe.

One way to achieve a more conscious way of owning clothes is to master the art of wardrobe maintenance and inventory management. This article looks at how we can organize our wardrobes and keep our favorite pieces for longer.

What's in your closet?

How many times have you opened your wardrobe only to be overwhelmed by the mess or sheer number of clothes? It's time to take stock of your wardrobe and organise it systematically. It's important to understand the value of each item you own and how to care for it to prolong its life. This starts with taking inventory, categorising your clothes by season and type (such as work clothes, sports clothes, everyday clothes, etc.) and then arranging them accordingly.

Inventory Tips: A tried and tested approach

You may not realise it, but keeping an inventory can save you time, reduce unnecessary purchases and, most importantly, help you make more sustainable choices. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Rethink and Reassess

Rethink and Reassess

Assess the wearability of each item. Look for damage, wear and tear and consider whether a particular item still suits your style. Remember the golden rule - if you haven't worn it in the past year, you probably won't wear it in the future.
Categorise and organise.

Categorise and organise.

Once you've decided what to keep, categorise your clothes. You could do this by type, occasion, season or even colour. This will make it easier to find what you're looking for and save you time getting dressed.
Quality over quantity.

Quality over quantity.

Aim for a minimalist wardrobe, focusing on quality items that can be mixed and matched rather than quantity. A versatile wardrobe can help reduce environmental impact by minimising waste, as well as making your daily dressing routine effortless.
Proactive clothing care.

Proactive clothing care.

Regular care is crucial to maintaining the longevity of your wardrobe. Take a proactive approach to garment care, from washing to ironing to storage.
Mindful purchase: The first step.

Mindful purchase: The first step.

Save both your wallet and the environment by buying less but choosing well. Opt for versatile, high-quality pieces that last longer and can be styled in different ways. Prioritise materials that will continue to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Similarly, consider the potential of upcycling; even a garment that seems unsuitable at first may only need minor alterations or modifications to fit your style perfectly.

Tackle the big tidy up.

Decluttering may seem overwhelming at first, but then again: Rome was not built in a day. Take it one step at a time.

Break it down

Start your decluttering journey by breaking it down into manageable tasks. Instead of tackling the whole wardrobe at once, start with one category at a time. Maybe start with your summer clothes or your work clothes. Breaking the task down makes it less daunting and more achievable.

Break it down

Embrace the 'one in, one out' rule

Every time you buy a new item of clothing, take an existing item out of your wardrobe. This method ensures that you never accumulate more than you need and encourages mindful shopping.

Embrace the 'one in, one out' rule

Folding techniques

Use a folding technique that allows you to see all your clothes at once when you open your drawers or wardrobe. Seeing everything at a glance can help prevent forgetting items and reduce the likelihood of unnecessary purchases.

Folding techniques

Seasonal rotation

Consider rotating your wardrobe according to the seasons. Not only will this free up space, but it will also ensure that you only see what you can wear at the current time of year, making it easier to choose outfits on a daily basis.

Seasonal rotation

Recycle, donate, or sell

Don't just discard the clothes that didn't make the cut. Consider whether they might be useful to someone else. Recycle pre-loved clothes at local recycling facilities, donate gently used garments to charities, or sell valuable items on second-hand platforms.

Recycle, donate, or sell

Reward yourself

Decluttering is a task that requires effort and commitment. Don't forget to reward yourself at the end of each successful session. You got this.

Reward yourself
Each piece is a joy to have.

Each piece is a joy to have.

In wrapping up, the practice of decluttering and organising your wardrobe isn't just a tidying up exercise. It's a journey of rediscovery that introduces you to long-lost pieces in your collection, while paving the way for sustainable fashion practices. With each garment carefully selected and cared for, the joy of dressing becomes a rewarding daily ritual. It's about appreciating the value of each garment and learning to extend its life through effective care.
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