Braun MultiQuick System
Tranformez votre mixeur plongeant Braun grâce à notre large choix d’accessoire compatibles.
MultiGrill 9 Pro
Le meilleur des performances Braun, pour une cuisson parfaite et un résultat professionnel.
Découvrez la facilité ultime.
Transformez les fruits en jus frais vitaminés.
Centrale vapeur
Repassez sans effort.
Black Friday en avant-première
Réductions jusqu'à 35%, exclusivement pour les abonnés
Recettes mixeur plongeant
Laissez vous inspirer.
Découvrez les autres familles de produits Braun.
We are committed to providing the best user experience possible. For this reason we are working to make the information and communication technologies of this website accessible to individuals with disabilities by meeting the requirements of national regulations which transpose the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 (accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies).
We continually test the digital content and features of this website for WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliance and remediate any issues with the support of a professional provider: Level Access.
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As accessibility standards continue to change, we strive to keep our website up to date.
If you have feedback or concerns related to the accessibility of any content on this website or if you need further information please contact us and let us know the specific problems you have encountered.
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