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Braun MultiQuick System

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Less food waste

Meal prep saves time, effort and waste.

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Good design should be useful and sustainable. The Braun MultiQuick System and our tips can support your meal prepping and, in turn, help you to enjoy a healthier, balanced diet and establish a more sustainable relationship with food.

Did you know?

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Isn’t meal prep just a fancy name for an old idea? After all, our parents and grandparents planned meals in advance and cooked ahead. The new aspect of this food trend, which originated in the USA, is the holistic approach to nutrition and sustainability in relation to food. However, meal prepping originated on the fitness scene. It was created as a means of keeping tracking of exactly what a person was eating and in what quantities.
Braun CareStyle 7 Pro steam generator iron – No more tired arms or hands, certified by ErgoCert.

Meal prep: Look forward to coming home.

It’s easy to cook large amounts of soups and casseroles. They freeze brilliantly, which means you don’t have to eat the same meal all week. Plus, by adding various ingredients and toppings such as croutons, seeds or crème fraîche, you can whip up a few different versions of soups or salads in next to no time. You’ll see the benefit when you come home the following evening and already have a healthy, home-made meal ready and waiting for you. The same goes for your lunch breaks at work.
Braun CareStyle 7 Pro  – The handle suits your posture.

Meal prep: Look forward to coming home.

It’s easy to cook large amounts of soups and casseroles. They freeze brilliantly, which means you don’t have to eat the same meal all week. Plus, by adding various ingredients and toppings such as croutons, seeds or crème fraîche, you can whip up a few different versions of soups or salads in next to no time. You’ll see the benefit when you come home the following evening and already have a healthy, home-made meal ready and waiting for you. The same goes for your lunch breaks at work.
Braun CareStyle 7 Pro  – Effort while ironing and frequency of movements

Meal prep: Look forward to coming home.

It’s easy to cook large amounts of soups and casseroles. They freeze brilliantly, which means you don’t have to eat the same meal all week. Plus, by adding various ingredients and toppings such as croutons, seeds or crème fraîche, you can whip up a few different versions of soups or salads in next to no time. You’ll see the benefit when you come home the following evening and already have a healthy, home-made meal ready and waiting for you. The same goes for your lunch breaks at work.

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