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FastSteam Technology
1600 W and up to 35 g/min steam rate.
ActiClean Easy System
Easy to use calc collector for quick descaling. Designed to make your garment steamer last.
Heated soleplate
Refresh your outfit in less than 1 minute¹. The heated soleplate can be applied directly onto your clothes for even better steaming results.
Dual FreeGlide 3D
With the uniquely upward curved soleplate, glide over any obstacle like buttons, pockets and zippers.
Kills up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses².
FastSteam Technology
1200 W and up to 25 g/min steam rate.
Compact and light
Ergonomically designed to be easy to use and light-weight.
iCare Technology
Carefree steaming. Easy, fast and safe on all ironable garments.
Dual FreeGlide 3D
With the uniquely upward curved soleplate, glide over any obstacle like buttons, pockets and zippers.
Kills up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses².
FastSteam Technology
1600 W and up to 35 g/min steam rate.
ActiClean Easy System
Easy to use calc collector for quick descaling. Designed to make your garment steamer last.
Heated soleplate
Refresh your outfit in less than 1 minute¹. The heated soleplate can be applied directly onto your clothes for even better steaming results.
Dual FreeGlide 3D
With the uniquely upward curved soleplate, glide over any obstacle like buttons, pockets and zippers.
Kills up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses².
FastSteam Technology
1200 W and up to 25 g/min steam rate.
Compact and light
Ergonomically designed to be easy to use and light-weight.
iCare Technology
Carefree steaming. Easy, fast and safe on all ironable garments.
Dual FreeGlide 3D
With the uniquely upward curved soleplate, glide over any obstacle like buttons, pockets and zippers.
Kills up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses².