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Active PowerDrive Technology
60% faster performance³ to blend even the hardest ingredients.
ActiveBlade Technology⁵
World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.
iMode Technology
Select your speed settings from pulse, low speed or high speed.
Advanced SmartSpeed
The more you squeeze the extra large control button the more power you get.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.
1200 W
ActiveBlade Technology⁵
World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.
Easy SmartSpeed
The more you squeeze the more power you get.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.
1000 W
PowerBell VPlus
An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.
One-hand speed wheel
Variable speed wheel with 25 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
Ergonomic grip handle
Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.
1000 W
PowerBell VPlus
An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.
Rueda de velocidades con una sola mano
Rueda de velocidad variable con 21 velocidades diferentes, diseñada para ser fácilmente controlada con el pulgar.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
Ergonomic grip handle
Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.
1000 W
PowerBell Plus
An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.
One-hand speed wheel
Variable speed wheel with 11 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
EasyClick System
Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments.
750 W
PowerBell Plus
An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.
Easy 2-Speed
Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
EasyClick System
Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments..
700 W
Extra lightweight
Braun's lightest Hand blender.
Easy 1-speed
Simply click and hold to blend.
EasyTwist System
Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.
450 W
Easy 2-Speed
Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.
EasyTwist System
Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.
Full soft-grip
Soft-grip finish on the entire upper blender body and a slim-line handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.
600 W
PowerBell VPlus
An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.
One-hand speed wheel
Variable speed wheel with 25 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
Ergonomic grip handle
Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.
1000 W
PowerBell VPlus
An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.
Rueda de velocidades con una sola mano
Rueda de velocidad variable con 21 velocidades diferentes, diseñada para ser fácilmente controlada con el pulgar.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
Ergonomic grip handle
Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.
1000 W
Easy 2-Speed
Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.
EasyTwist System
Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.
Full soft-grip
Soft-grip finish on the entire upper blender body and a slim-line handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.
600 W
Active PowerDrive Technology
60% faster performance³ to blend even the hardest ingredients.
ActiveBlade Technology⁵
World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.
iMode Technology
Select your speed settings from pulse, low speed or high speed.
Advanced SmartSpeed
The more you squeeze the extra large control button the more power you get.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.
1200 W
ActiveBlade Technology⁵
World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.
Easy SmartSpeed
The more you squeeze the more power you get.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.
1000 W
PowerBell VPlus
An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.
One-hand speed wheel
Variable speed wheel with 25 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
Ergonomic grip handle
Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.
1000 W
PowerBell VPlus
An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.
Rueda de velocidades con una sola mano
Rueda de velocidad variable con 21 velocidades diferentes, diseñada para ser fácilmente controlada con el pulgar.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
Ergonomic grip handle
Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.
EasyClick System Plus
Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.
1000 W
PowerBell Plus
An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.
One-hand speed wheel
Variable speed wheel with 11 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
EasyClick System
Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments.
750 W
PowerBell Plus
An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.
Easy 2-Speed
Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.
SplashControl Technology
Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.
EasyClick System
Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments..
700 W
Extra lightweight
Braun's lightest Hand blender.
Easy 1-speed
Simply click and hold to blend.
EasyTwist System
Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.
450 W
Easy 2-Speed
Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.
EasyTwist System
Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.
Full soft-grip
Soft-grip finish on the entire upper blender body and a slim-line handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.
600 W
Diseñada para marcar la diferencia. Las 4 claves del éxito: innovación, diseño, calidad y versatilidad. Las batidoras de mano de Braun han sido creadas con las herramientas más innovadoras. Pueden realizar cualquier tipo de preparación de alimentos. Con características funcionales como la tecnología SplashControl, SmartSpeed, EasyClick y un agarre suave, que trabajan juntos para crear las batidoras con el mejor rendimiento y con una apariencia excelente en el corazón de cada cocina.
Hace que las cuchillas bajen y suban permitiendo una mayor eficacia incluso con los ingredientes más duros. Estas nuevas cuchillas consiguen ampliar la zona activa de corte un 250% (3 veces más), obteniendo unos resultados ¡hasta 2 veces más finos! Eso significa que puedes aumentar tu creatividad en la cocina.
Las asociaciones de diseñadores con más renombre han premiado a las batidoras de mano Braun con varios galardones y sellos de calidad gracias a su diseño minimalista y atemporal, que respira innovación tecnológica, calidad y versatilidad. Las características funcionales y ergonómicas bien equilibradas, como el botón Smart Speed, el brazo EasyClick y la empuñadura suave, se combinan para conformar un aparato tan peculiar como una obra de arte.
Para garantizar los más altos estándares de calidad, todas las batidoras de mano se someten a pruebas exhaustivas, desde la fase de desarrollo hasta el final de la producción en serie, abarcando 50 años de experiencia Braun.
¹ vs. Braun MQ100 dip on almond milk
² vs. Braun MQ10.000P on almond milk.
³ comparative analysis on number of hand blenders' accessories marketed by competitors - year 2022. Applies to MultiQuick 3 to MultiQuick 9.
⁴ Independent Research Institute, Sales Leader Full Year 2023.
⁵ Compared to Braun hand blenders with non ActiveBlade shaft.