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Young couple in kitchen preparing strawberry smoothie with Braun MultiQuick 9 Hand blender

Hand blenders

Perfect blending results

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Young couple in kitchen preparing strawberry smoothie with Braun MultiQuick 9 Hand blender

Hand blenders

Perfect blending results

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Braun Hand blender attachments

Hand blender attachments

Experience the versatility.

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Hand mixers

Bring out the joy of cooking and baking.

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Woman preparing a mixed friut juice with Braun PowerBlend 9 Jug blender.

Jug blenders

Blend sauces, icy drinks & more.

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Food Processors

Compact. Intelligent. Strong. Unmistakably Braun.

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Coffee makers

Intuitive design. Inviting aroma

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Coffee makers

Intuitive design. Inviting aroma

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Citrus juicers

Fresh juice made fast & easy.

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Water kettles

Fast and reliable with a unique design.

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A tasty, toasty start to your day.

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Braun PurShine Collection, the whole range of Products

PurShine Collection

Brighten up your morning.

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Braun Breakfast Series 1 Collection, the whole range of Products

Breakfast Series 1

Just what you need. Start your day off right.

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Steam generator irons

Top results faster & easier.

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Steam irons

Flawless ironing quick & easy.

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Braun QuickStyle

Garment steamers

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Sustainability: Good design is long-lasting.

Sustainability at Braun

Good design is long-lasting.

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Sustainability: Good design is long-lasting.

Sustainability at Braun

Good design is long-lasting.

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Hand blender attachments & accessories

Experience the versatility.

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Woman in the kitchen working with the Braun MultiQuick hand blender 9 and preparing food with the Fodd processor attachment. The full range of attachments is on the kitchen table.

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Braun. Design for what matters.

Designed for what matters.

We believe that good design can make lives better - 100 years ago, now and in the future.

For 100 years, Braun has kept to three important principles, inspired by people: Good design is simple, useful and built to last. Until today, people all over the world turn to us because Braun products make life better. They trust in our brand when it counts the most: Whether they want to prepare that special dinner for a first date, iron their best shirt for an important job interview or prepare a vast breakfast for the whole family.

From inventor’s workshop to global brand

Braun 1920 - Ingenius


In the early 1920s, engineer Max Braun founds a machine-building workshop in Frankfurt am Main. On the strength of its groundbreaking inventions for the emerging radio broadcasting industry, the firm opens its own factory building with 400 employees in 1928.
Braun 1940 - Helpful


During the postwar period, Braun expands its product range with newly developed devices that simplify everyday life. In 1950, simultaneously with the first foil shaver, the Multimix food processor makes its market debut, inaugurating the company’s household line.
Braun 1951 – Visionary


After the sudden death of Max Braun, his sons take the company helm in the early fifties. They lay the groundwork for a people-focused corporate culture that extends to all areas of the company – from its letterhead to its exhibition stands, its health service to its whole-foods cafeteria.
Braun 1960 – Less, but better

Less, but better.

Under the aegis of design legend Dieter Rams, Braun’s radical new Bauhaus-inspired, functional product design sets a new style standard. The company won a rapid succession of national and international prizes and awards for its products. Braun became world-famous as a design brand, and the company became the first to introduce “good design” to the mass market.
Braun 1967 – Innovative


Braun reaches the limits of a family-run firm. In the late sixties, Gillette takes over the successful enterprise with its 5,700 employees. This opens up new markets and distribution channels to Braun. Investments increase the company’s innovative strength and broaden its product range, which soon grows to include coffeemakers and electric irons. Characteristic German design, quality and engineering prowess bolster Braun’s standing against cheaply produced competing products.
Braun today


Procter & Gamble’s takeover of Gillette in 2005 makes Braun one of twenty-four global brands of the largest consumer-product group in the world. P&G transfers the rights to the Braun brand in the area of household appliances to De’Longhi S.p.A. in 2012. Along with the corresponding patents and production facilities, De’Longhi acquires a large part of Braun’s employees, thereby ensuring that Braun household appliances will continue to offer distinctive design, technological innovation and reliable quality far into the future.
Braun KM 3 food processor

Braun produced the KM 3 food processor for more than three decades.

Here you can see the KM 3-31 model from 1957. The development of the KM 3 began with the construction of a test model to determine the most suitable rotational speed for the drive. After extensive mixing and kneading trials, the development team designed the drive unit. When it came to the form of the KM 3, the design department developed various models of the base plate, bowl, mixing arm and motor base that were combined with the technology until the first preproduction model, the wistar, emerged.

Cele 10 principii ale unui design bun, de Dieter Rams

Angajat ca arhitect pentru reamenajarea biroului Braun, Dieter Rams a devenit unul dintre proiectanții principali, dezvoltând memorabilul limbaj de design Braun și cele 10 principii ale unui design bun, un manual de design, relevant chiar și astăzi.

1 Designul bun este inovator.

Posibilitățile de inovare nu sunt nici pe departe epuizate. Dezvoltarea tehnologică oferă întotdeauna noi oportunități de proiectare inovatoare.

Braun innovative Design – Radio

2 Un design bun face ca un produs să fie util.

Un produs este cumpărat pentru a fi utilizat. Trebuie să îndeplinească anumite criterii, nu doar funcționale, ci și psihologice și estetice. Un design bun subliniază utilitatea unui produs, ignorând aspectele care ar putea abate atenția de la aceasta.

Braun useful Design – Citrus Juicer

3 Un design bun este estetic.

Calitățile estetice ale unui produs reprezintă o parte adiacentă a utilității sale, deoarece produsele pe care le utilizăm în fiecare zi ne influențează starea de spirit. Dar numai obiectele bine executate pot fi frumoase.

Braun innovative Design – Radio

4 Un design bun face ca produsul să fie înțeles.

Acesta clarifică structura produsului. Și, cu atât mai bine, poate face produsul să vorbească de la sine. În cel mai bun caz, este propria sa explicație.

Braun innovative Design – Radio

5 Designul bun este discret.

Produsele care îndeplinesc un scop sunt precum instrumentele sau uneltele. Nu sunt nici obiecte decorative și nici opere de artă. Prin urmare, designul lor trebuie să fie neutru și concis, pentru a lăsa loc interpretării proprii a utilizatorului.

Braun Design is unobtrusive.

6 Designul bun este onest.

Nu face ca un produs să fie mai inovator, mai puternic sau mai valoros decât este deja. Nu încearcă să manipuleze consumatorul cu promisiuni care nu pot fi îndeplinite.

Braun Design is honest.

7 Designul bun este de lungă durată.

Evită să fie la modă și, prin urmare, nu pare niciodată depășit. Spre deosebire de designul la modă, acesta durează mulți ani - chiar și în societatea actuală unde ceea ce este uzat sau consumat se aruncă la gunoi.

Braun Design is long-lasting.

8 好的设计对每一个细节都精益求精。


Braun Design is thorough



Braun Design  is environmentally friendly.

10 好的设计是尽可能少的设计。

简而精 - 因为它专注于基本方面,产品没有不必要的负担。回归纯粹,回归简约。

Braun Design – Less is more



Braun museum - Coffee machines

我们正在打造更好的生活 - 过去、现在和未来。

1953 | 博朗工厂

博朗 Multimix 搅拌机

五十年代确立了奶昔作为西方主食的地位,部分是由 Multimix 促成的,Multimix 是带有可拆卸混合玻璃容器的最先进的搅拌机。它以工业级的功效切割原料。今天仍然被广泛使用。

Braun Multimix Blender – Braun Factory 1953

1957 | Gerd Alfred Müller



Braun Food Processor

1963 | Reinhold Weiss

KSM 1/11


Braun Coffee Grinder

1963 | Reinhold Weiss

HT 2

这款烤面包机时尚精简的设计激发了著名艺术家 Richard Hamilton 的灵感,他的一件作品就源于此烤面包机(恰好名为“烤面包机”)。噢,它还把面包烤得恰到好处。

Braun Toaster

1972 | Florian Seiffert

KF 20

KF 20 采用类似于水塔的堆叠垂直设计,名为 Aromaster。这款电热咖啡壶因其非传统形状而广为人知,为日常晨间过滤咖啡增添了一抹非凡魅力。 

Braun Coffee Maker Aromaster

1972 | Jürgen Greubel,Dieter Rams

MPZ 22

这款电动榨汁机也叫做 Citromatic 榨汁机,几十年来一直是世界各地厨房中可靠且方便清洗的主要产品。博朗花了二十多年才决定对原始设计进行更新。

Braun Citrus Juicer

1981 | Ludwig Littmann

MR 6

MR 6 是更复杂的 MR 500 的前身,坚固耐用,这意味着它可以搅拌其他产品无法处理的食物。完善手持式搅拌机的重要踏脚石。

Braun Handblender

1984 | Hartwig Kahlcke

KF 40

这款咖啡机在博朗内部是有争议的,因为它是由成本效益高的聚丙烯制成的,而不是更坚固的聚碳酸酯——博朗的首选塑料。因此,KF 40 的波纹表面提出了一种设计解决方案,赢得了 Dieter Rams 的支持。

Braun Coffee Maker

2016 | Markus Orthey,Ludwig Littmann

MultiQuick 9


Braun Handblender
Braun Museum


