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  2. Recipes
  3. Homemade Tonka chocolates with salt flakes

Homemade Tonka chocolates with salt flakes

180 min
lorem ipsum

This recipe is prepared with:

Product  MultiQuick 9 Staafmixer MQ 9138XI MultiQuick 9 Staafmixer MQ 9138XI


Makes: 25

200 grams dark chocolate, couverture
200 grams dark chocolate
100 grams butter
2 Tbsp baking cocoa
3  tonka beans
1 Tbsp salt, flakes


STEP 1/11

Place the couverture chocolate in Braun’s MultiQuick 9 500 ml chopper attachment and finely chop into small chunks, then transfer the chocolate to a pot.

STEP 2/11

Place the dark chocolate in Braun’s MultiQuick 9 500 ml chopper attachment and finely chop into small chunks.

STEP 3/11

Transfer the half of the dark chocolate into the pot with the couverture and melt both chocolates together over a water bath. Add butter and melt into the chocolate, mix well.

STEP 4/11

Finely grind the Tonka beans with Braun’s MultiQuick 9 spice grinder attachment.

STEP 5/11

When the chocolate is melted, add the cocoa and a third of the Tonka spice and mix with Braun’s MultiQuick 9 whisk attachment.

STEP 6/11

Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for 1h - 1½ h until the mixture has firmed up and is easy to shape.

STEP 7/11

Form approx. 25 equal-sized pralines with your hands.

STEP 8/11

Melt the rest of the dark chocolate over a water bath. Pour the oil in it and mix.

STEP 9/11

Dip one praline after the other into the chocolate. For that, place a bite on a tablespoon and dip it in the chocolate. Let it drip-off a little and put it on a tray lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle the pralines with rest of the Tonka spice and salt flakes.

STEP 10/11

Let the chocolate dry for about 60 minutes.

STEP 11/11

Place the praline bites into small paper bags to give as gifts.

  1. Back to homepage
  2. Recipes
  3. Homemade Tonka chocolates with salt flakes

Homemade Tonka chocolates with salt flakes

180 min
lorem ipsum


200 grams dark chocolate, couverture
200 grams dark chocolate
100 grams butter
2 Tbsp baking cocoa
3  tonka beans
1 Tbsp salt, flakes

This recipe is prepared with: lorem ipsum HB901-MQ9138XI


STEP 1/11

Place the couverture chocolate in Braun’s MultiQuick 9 500 ml chopper attachment and finely chop into small chunks, then transfer the chocolate to a pot.

STEP 2/11

Place the dark chocolate in Braun’s MultiQuick 9 500 ml chopper attachment and finely chop into small chunks.

STEP 3/11

Transfer the half of the dark chocolate into the pot with the couverture and melt both chocolates together over a water bath. Add butter and melt into the chocolate, mix well.

STEP 4/11

Finely grind the Tonka beans with Braun’s MultiQuick 9 spice grinder attachment.

STEP 5/11

When the chocolate is melted, add the cocoa and a third of the Tonka spice and mix with Braun’s MultiQuick 9 whisk attachment.

STEP 6/11

Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for 1h - 1½ h until the mixture has firmed up and is easy to shape.

STEP 7/11

Form approx. 25 equal-sized pralines with your hands.

STEP 8/11

Melt the rest of the dark chocolate over a water bath. Pour the oil in it and mix.

STEP 9/11

Dip one praline after the other into the chocolate. For that, place a bite on a tablespoon and dip it in the chocolate. Let it drip-off a little and put it on a tray lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle the pralines with rest of the Tonka spice and salt flakes.

STEP 10/11

Let the chocolate dry for about 60 minutes.

STEP 11/11

Place the praline bites into small paper bags to give as gifts.

