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MultiGrill 9 Pro

A Braun legjobb teljesítményű grillje. Profi grillezési eredményekhez.





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Braun Multiquick 9x hand blenders in use

Braun MultiQuick

The world's largest attachment system for unlimited versatility.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender

Braun Hand blenders

Top performance (3)
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MultiQuick 9X

Braun’s best performing and most powerful.

MultiQuick 9X
MultiQuick 9X

Active PowerDrive Technology

60% faster performance* to blend even the hardest ingredients. *Vs. MQ100 on carrot juice.

ActiveBlade Technology

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

iMode Technology

Select your speed settings from pulse, low speed or high speed.

Advanced SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the extra large control button the more power you get.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1200 W

MultiQuick 7X

Faster and stronger. For food they love.

MultiQuick 7X
MultiQuick 7X

ActiveBlade Technology

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

Easy SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the more power you get.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 7 WH

Ultimately intuitive. Up to 50% faster.

MultiQuick 7 WH
MultiQuick 7 WH

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

Easy SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the more power you get.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5 Pro

Ultimate versatility. Up to 4x finer results.

MultiQuick 5 Pro
MultiQuick 5 Pro

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 25 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

Ergonomic grip handle

Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5 Vario

Full power. Full control - with 21 speeds and 1000 W.

MultiQuick 5 Vario
MultiQuick 5 Vario

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 21 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit

Stay fit, eat healthy.

MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit
MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 21 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick system

Compatible with up to 5 wave cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 3 Vario

Efficient blending. Maximum precision.

MultiQuick 3 Vario
MultiQuick 3 Vario

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 11 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments.


750 W

MultiQuick 5

Lighter. Handier. Easier.

MultiQuick 5
MultiQuick 5


Unique hand blending technology proven to produce finer more even results.

Easy 2-Speed

Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.

Full soft-grip

Soft-grip finish on the entire upper blender body and a slim-line handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 5 wave cut attachments.


600 W

MultiQuick 3

Fast and efficient blending.

MultiQuick 3
MultiQuick 3

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

Easy 2-Speed

Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments..


700 W

MultiQuick 2

Up to 2 times finer results¹.

MultiQuick 2
MultiQuick 2

Easy 2-Speed

Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.

EasyTwist System

Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.

Full soft-grip

Soft-grip finish on the entire upper blender body and a slim-line handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.


600 W

MultiQuick 1

Just what you need. Light and easy.

MultiQuick 1
MultiQuick 1

Extra lightweight

Braun's lightest Hand blender.

Easy 1-speed

Simply click and hold to blend.

EasyTwist System

Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.


450 W

MultiQuick 9X

Braun’s best performing and most powerful.

MultiQuick 9X
MultiQuick 9X

Active PowerDrive Technology

60% faster performance* to blend even the hardest ingredients. *Vs. MQ100 on carrot juice.

ActiveBlade Technology

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

iMode Technology

Select your speed settings from pulse, low speed or high speed.

Advanced SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the extra large control button the more power you get.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1200 W

MultiQuick 5 Vario

Full power. Full control - with 21 speeds and 1000 W.

MultiQuick 5 Vario
MultiQuick 5 Vario

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 21 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 7X

Faster and stronger. For food they love.

MultiQuick 7X
MultiQuick 7X

ActiveBlade Technology

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

Easy SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the more power you get.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 9X

Braun’s best performing and most powerful.

MultiQuick 9X
MultiQuick 9X

Active PowerDrive Technology

60% faster performance* to blend even the hardest ingredients. *Vs. MQ100 on carrot juice.

ActiveBlade Technology

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

iMode Technology

Select your speed settings from pulse, low speed or high speed.

Advanced SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the extra large control button the more power you get.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1200 W

MultiQuick 7X

Faster and stronger. For food they love.

MultiQuick 7X
MultiQuick 7X

ActiveBlade Technology

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

Easy SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the more power you get.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 7 WH

Ultimately intuitive. Up to 50% faster.

MultiQuick 7 WH
MultiQuick 7 WH

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

Easy SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the more power you get.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5 Pro

Ultimate versatility. Up to 4x finer results.

MultiQuick 5 Pro
MultiQuick 5 Pro

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 25 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

Ergonomic grip handle

Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5 Vario

Full power. Full control - with 21 speeds and 1000 W.

MultiQuick 5 Vario
MultiQuick 5 Vario

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 21 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit

Stay fit, eat healthy.

MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit
MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 21 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick system

Compatible with up to 5 wave cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 3 Vario

Efficient blending. Maximum precision.

MultiQuick 3 Vario
MultiQuick 3 Vario

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 11 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Kompatibilis akár 8 hullámosan vágó kiegészítővel.


750 W

MultiQuick 5

Könnyebb. Kezelhetőbb. Egyszerűbb.

MultiQuick 5
MultiQuick 5


Egyedi kézi keverési technológia, amely bizonyítottan finomabb és egyenletesebb őrlési eredményeket produkál.

Easy 2-Speed

Válassz két sebesség közül, hogy gyorsan kiváló eredményeket érhess el.

Csúszásmentes bevonat

Csúszásmentes bevonat az egész turmixgép felső részén és vékony kialakítású fogó a maximális kényelem és használati egyszerűség érdekében.

SplashControl Technológia

Megakadályozza a fröccsenést és biztosítja a legjobb keverési eredményt.

EasyClick Rendszer

Kompatibilis, akár 5 hullámosan vágó kiegészítővel.


600 W

MultiQuick 3

Gyors és hatékony keverés.

MultiQuick 3
MultiQuick 3

PowerBell Plus

Az extra őrlőpenge több vágást biztosít fordulatonként.

Easy 2-Speed

Válassz két sebesség közül, hogy gyorsan kiváló eredményeket érhess el.

SplashControl Technológia

Megakadályozza a fröccsenést és biztosítja a legjobb keverési eredményt.

EasyClick Rendszer

Kompatibilis akár 8 hullámosan vágó kiegészítővel.


700 W

MultiQuick 2

Akár 2-szer finomabb őrlési eredmény¹.

MultiQuick 2
MultiQuick 2

Easy 2-Speed

Válassz két sebesség közül, hogy gyorsan kiváló eredményeket érhess el.

EasyTwist Rendszer

Kompatibilis akár 3 EasyTwist kiegészítővel.

Csúszásmentes bevonat

Csúszásmentes bevonat az egész turmixgép felső részén és vékony kialakítású fogó a maximális kényelem és használati egyszerűség érdekében.


600 W

MultiQuick 1

Pont, amire szükséged van. Könnyű és egyszerű.

MultiQuick 1
MultiQuick 1

Extra könnyű

A Braun legkönnyebb kézi turmixgépe.

Easy 1-speed

Csak kattints és tartsd lenyomva a keveréshez.

EasyTwist Rendszer

Kompatibilis akár 3 EasyTwist kiegészítővel.


450 W

Braun MultiQuick-9X – World's largest attachment system
Braun MultiQuick The no. 1 hand blender brand.

Az 1. számú botmixer márka.* A fontos dolgokra tervezve.

A sikerünk 4 kulcsa: Sokoldalúság, design, minőség és innováció. Meg fog lepődni, milyen gyorsan és egyszerűen főzheti meg a legbonyolultabb ételt is MultiQuick rendszerünk segítségével – egyszerűen nincsenek határok. A Braun MultiQuick rendszer motoregységek széles választékát kínálja különböző teljesítményértékekkel, szabályozási lehetőségekkel és kompatibilis tartozékokkal. Melyik MultiQuick rendszer illik Önhöz? 
*Forrás: Független kutatóintézet, értéket értékesítési vezető, teljes 2019-es év 46 országban

Mindezt a világ legnagyobb tartozékválasztékával.

Egykezes botmixer motoregység és lenyűgöző innovatív tartozékok széles választéka a korlátlan sokoldalúság érdekében. Számos konyhai készüléket egyesít egyetlen innovatív megoldásban.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with chopper attachement


Aprító, 500 ml és 350 ml

Minden eddiginél egyszerűbbé teszi a nagy munkákat – bármit feldarabol és felaprít, mindössze másodpercek alatt. Legyen szó hagymáról, amelynek aprítása közben nem szeretne könnyezni, vagy fűszernövényekről, húsokról, kemény sajtokról, diófélékről és még sok minden másról, a felhasználásra kész állapot mindössze néhány másodpercre van.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with food processor attachment


A tökéletes többfunkciós tartozék, amely minden feladatot elvégez.

Darabol, szeletel, aprít, dagaszt, julienne-re és hasábra vág. Most még nagyobb, XL-es konyhai robotgép 3,2 literes tállal, új dagasztókampóval a jobb eredményért. A fröccsenésgátlónknak köszönhetően pedig az élelmiszerrel közvetlenül érintkező összes alkatrész mosogatógépben tisztítható, így kevesebb erőfeszítést igényelnek a tisztításuk.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with dicer


Tegye színesebbé és ízletesebbé a fogásokat.

Élvezze a gyors és színes ételkészítést az okos új kockázó tartozékkal. Segítségével kedvenc friss gyümölcseit és zöldségeit másodpercek alatt tökéletes 9 mm-es kockákra darabolhatja.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with stainless steel blending shaft


Gyors eszköz nagyszerűen krémes eredményekkel.

Az egyedülálló ActiveBlade technológiával rendelkező Braun MultiQuick 9 keverőszár minden erőfeszítés nélkül simára keveri a legkeményebb ételeket is. A főzés még szórakoztatóbb élménnyé válik, ha bármilyen nehezen felvágható hozzávalót könnyedén feldarabolhat, elkészítheti a tökéletes turmixot a reggelihez, vagy megfőzheti a legkrémesebb levest vacsorához, mindezt másodpercek alatt.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with Jug Blender attachment

Jug Blender

Chopping, blending and ice-crushing.

This accessory does the job of two - besides quickly and easily chopping your cooking ingredients, it is also perfect for blending smooth shakes and drinks or even offers a simple way to crush ice.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with grinder attachment


Grind your coffee beans and spices within seconds.

Grind coffee beans to fresh perfection or add a little more zest to your next meal with your own homemade spice mixtures using things like peppercorns, cinnamon sticks or dried chillies. The stainless steel bowl doesn’t pick up odours, so you can grind curry at night and your coffee in the morning - without having to worry about tasting one with the other.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with whisk attachment


Whipping, beating or stirring.

You’ve never seen faster results for whipping cream, beating eggs, mixing cakes or stirring Hollandaise sauce, as well as making instant and homemade desserts.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with Masher attachment


Mashing & puréeing.

The masher is the ideal kitchen aid for a convenient and fast preparation of perfect mashed potatoes – even mashing and puréeing cooked vegetables into a creamy, smooth consistency is just so simple.
Braun Multiquick hand blenders with ACTIVEBlade technology


World’s first ActiveBlade technology.

The unique ActiveBlades move up and down to easily blend the hardest foods with 40% less effort*. Evolved to tackle the toughest jobs, this innovative new flexible shaft results in 250% more active cutting surface to work with, which results in 2 times finer blending! That means you can get more creative.
*Compared to Braun hand blenders with non ActiveBlade shaft.

More innovative features.

SplashControl technology.

Enjoy perfect results with no mess. Every Braun hand blender is equipped with the unique PowerBell blending shaft – designed with SplashControl Technology to keep you and your kitchen spotless.

Braun Hand blender SplashControl Technology

PowerBell Plus Technology.

Extra blade means extra power. This innovative additional blade delivers more cutting per rotation. Process large pieces of food with more  comfort and less effort than ever before.

Braun Hand blender PowerBell Plus technology

SmartSpeed technology.

All speeds can be select intuitively by simply squeeze one button. If you aim for coarse and roughly chopped results, push gently. For fine results,  increase the push of the button for more power.

Braun Hand blender SmartSpeed technology
Braun Hand blender Quality


Tested against the highest quality standards.

Each of the hand blender devices feature powerful, high-quality motors developed to ensure a super compact ergonomic design for single handed use, without excessive vibrations or noise – over 60 million hand blenders produced by Braun factory in the past 18 years alone.
To guarantee the high quality standards, every product is thoroughly tested: from the development phase to the end of series production, supported by over 50 years of Braun experience.
Braun Hand blender design made in Germany


Designed in Germany.

“Don’t persuade. Convince.” This Braun motto goes back to the 1950s. And Braun’s innovative, independent design has been delivering compelling arguments ever since. Our design principles and core values of functionality, clarity, longevity and timelessness can be seen in the hundreds of products Braun has already brought to market – and naturally the products we continue to create for our valued customers every day.

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit

Maximum Control. Healthier Creations.

Braun MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit
