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Then immediately top them with quark, banana, pomegranate and chia seeds according to preference and enjoy!
Wash the sweet potato and cut vertically into thin slices of about 0.5 cm. Peel and cut the banana into thin slices.
Set Braun’s ID Breakfast Collection Toaster to the highest level and toast the sweet potato slices for approximately 5 minutes, at least until they are done.
Note: If a couple of sweet potato toasties are left over, they can be kept in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week. Simply toast them again for a short time before eating.
This recipe was prepared using Braun’s ID Breakfast Collection Toaster.
Then immediately top them with quark, banana, pomegranate and chia seeds according to preference and enjoy!
Wash the sweet potato and cut vertically into thin slices of about 0.5 cm. Peel and cut the banana into thin slices.
Set Braun’s ID Breakfast Collection Toaster to the highest level and toast the sweet potato slices for approximately 5 minutes, at least until they are done.