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No predefined speed settings, just follow your intuition: Depending on the results you want adjust the power intuitively with the simple squeeze of one button.
The innovative PowerBell Plus features an extra milling blade. This additional cutting area delivers more cutting per rotation, which enables faster and 55% finer blending results (vs. MQ700 with gazpacho recipe).
The shaft is easily detachable. A variety of compatible EasyClick Plus accessories can easily be attached with a simple click. Smart, easy, versatile.
For Braun, an intuitive, long-lasting design is important for easy use and better results.
PowerBell VPlus Technology.
Enjoy 50% faster performance and 5 times finer results*. On top of the additional milling blade, it also features 6 innovative new inner ribs that create more interaction between food and the blades.
* Vs. Braun MQ100 on almond milk
Powerful 1000 Watt motor.
The advanced motor technology automatically adapts the power to your cooking needs: giving full power when needed, and saving energy for eco-friendly usage when not needed. Enjoy fast and flawless results.
EasyClick system Plus.
The shaft is easily detachable. A variety of compatible EasyClick Plus accessories can easily be attached with a simple click. Smart, easy, versatile.
Cooking is never boring with these kitchen helpers – Braun’s hand blenders and attachments not only make food preparation quick and easy, they offer maximum versatility to expand your range and creativity as a cook.
More than just a hand blender – discover the ultimate all-in-one cooking: fast and easy with a world of added options.
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