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Descoperă confortul suprem.
Mănâncă bine, trăiește bine
Alimentație sănătoasă, simplu și rapid
Not sure which model fits your Hand blender?
See all modelsChange attachments with a simple click.
Two buttons and one movement is all it takes to quickly and easily change between all EasyClick or EasyClick+ accessories.
BPA free & dishwasher safe.
Only the best for your convenience and health – all bowls and accessory materials with food contact are BPA-free. Refer to the instruction manual for detailed information on which parts are dishwasher safe.
Convenient small 250 ml beaker.
Supplied with the small portion shaft it is a perfect combination for mixing small quantities of your favourite dips, aromatic butter or baby food.
Sistemul EasyClick +
Accesoriile cu această pictogramă se potrivesc tuturor modelelor MultiQuick 9 și MultiQuick 7 actuale.
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