A sandwicheira SnackMaker 5 facilita a preparação de snacks saudáveis com 3 tipos de placas diferentes para máxima versatilidade - sandwiche, grill e waffle. As placas facilmente removíveis podem ser trocadas com um simples clique. E para tornar os seus lanches ainda mais saudáveis, as placas têm duas camadas de revestimento antiaderente de qualidade, pelo que não é necessário adicionar gordura extra. Para além disso, a bandeja recolhe gorduras integrada permite drenar a gordura enquanto cozinha. E depois da preparação pode dizer adeus às limpezas complicadas. Todas as placas podem ser lavadas na máquina de lavar loiça.
Enjoy healthy, low-fat snack making without messing up your kitchen. The integrated grease tray drains excess oil as you cook, helping you create healthier meals. The tray is also easily removable and dishwasher-safe for super simple clean up.
Enjoy 800 watts of power to prepare all your favourite snacks in a snap without long pre-heating time.
The sandwich plates are designed to seal melted cheese and other ingredients into your toast thanks to its special iconic sandwich shape.
Designed for space-saving storage, the SnackMaker 5 can be easily stored in a vertical position, which leaves you more room on your countertop or cupboard.
Enjoy the perfect snack any time of day. Just pick the right plates for your recipe and fasten them onto the grill with a simple click.
The specially designed grooves ensure that the SnackMaker 5 doesn’t leak during cooking so your kitchen stays nice and clean.
The plates and grease tray are all dishwasher-safe.