With the PurEase spin juicer making fresh, homemade juice has never been easier and faster. Now you can get your early-morning vitamin boost in less than 15 seconds with the innovative combination of Braun’s FastXtract Technology and ColdXtract Technology – which lets you get the optimum vitamins from your fresh fruits and vegetables.
Um copo de 200ml cheio de sumo em menos de 15 segundos
Fácil e rápido. Concebido para utilizar grandes pedaços de fruta e vegetais, o tubo de entrada arredondado de 55mm poupa tempo na preparação. Menos cortes, mais sumo!
A função de bloqueio anti gotas garante que a sua cozinha permanece limpa – basta carregar no botão para evitar sujidade.
Preserves vitamins as there is less than 1°C temperature increase from juicing.