With so many different types of fabrics it is not always easy to know how to treat them properly. Luckily most of our clothes come with a sewn-in user manual: the label. If you know what all the symbols on it stand for, you are on the safe side. So here‘s a reminder of all the symbols and their meaning – they might come in handy on your next laundry day.
You have read the symbol but are still unsure of how to iron your item? Try Braun‘s smart iCare mode – for all kinds of fabrics. Regardless of the length of time spent ironing, your ironing needs or the garment – iCare technology will make your ironing experience quicker and easier. Smart iCare mode protects your clothes with a safe temperature for all kinds of fabrics – for smart textile protection and no time wasted on heating up or cooling down.
How to iron complicated garments.
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The right setting for your needs. Easy and intuitive.