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Home-made is healthier and tastier.

Shopping consciously and choosing seasonal produce means you can cook with fresh produce. It also means avoiding processed ready meals. One advantage of meal prep is the certainty of knowing you have delicious, home-made meals waiting for you for the next few days, or even the entire week. But that’s not all: home-made food can often be healthier and tastier, too. Cooking for yourself means you are in control of all the ingredients, that end up on your plate, or in your resealable containers and lunch boxes.

Meal preppers are aware of what they eat.

Cook once and enjoy it for several  days. Meal prepping is an ideal solution, especially when you arrive home exhausted after a day at work and would otherwise mindlessly choose pasta with ready-made sauce or a frozen pizza. This is one way meal prepping can help to eat more healthy. After all, if you’re more aware of your food and portion size, you’ll notice sooner when you’re full.

Meal prep prevents food waste.

So, meal prep helps you to save time and eat more healthily. More than that, though, it allows you to do your bit to fight food waste. If you cook two or three portions in advance, there usually won’t be any half-used ingredients left over. Instead, you might even be able to freeze a little stockpile for those hectic, stressful days.

Meal prep saves money and packaging.

Meal prep is also more cost-effective. If you buy lunch from a café or get it delivered, you’ll end up paying much more. And, if you order a takeaway or opt for convenience food, you’ll also have to contend with far more packaging. The example of meal prep shows that, by taking even small steps, you can live more sustainably and prevent waste from leftover food and packaging. 

Become a meal prepper in 8 easy steps.

Stuffed peppers, pepper salad and a stir-fry – the more the ingredients on your weekly meal plan overlap, the better. You can enjoy more variety on your plate as a result. We’ve put together 8 simple steps to help you become a meal prepper.



Avoiding food waste starts with planning meals ahead

Shopping for meal prep

Cooking for meal prep

Ingredients for varied meals

Storing food in a practical way

Avoid storing moist food

Look forward to coming home

Meal prep: Look forward to coming home.

It’s easy to cook large amounts of soups and casseroles. They freeze brilliantly, which means you don’t have to eat the same meal all week. Plus, by adding various ingredients and toppings such as croutons, seeds or crème fraîche, you can whip up a few different versions of soups or salads in next to no time. You’ll see the benefit when you come home the following evening and already have a healthy, home-made meal ready and waiting for you. The same goes for your lunch breaks at work.

Did you know?

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Isn’t meal prep just a fancy name for an old idea? After all, our parents and grandparents planned meals in advance and cooked ahead. The new aspect of this food trend, which originated in the USA, is the holistic approach to nutrition and sustainability in relation to food. However, meal prepping originated on the fitness scene. It was created as a means of keeping tracking of exactly what a person was eating and in what quantities.
Braun Zero Waste Cosmetics - 16 pomysłów na ekologiczne kosmetyki z resztek

Meal prep: Look forward to coming home.

It’s easy to cook large amounts of soups and casseroles. They freeze brilliantly, which means you don’t have to eat the same meal all week. Plus, by adding various ingredients and toppings such as croutons, seeds or crème fraîche, you can whip up a few different versions of soups or salads in next to no time. You’ll see the benefit when you come home the following evening and already have a healthy, home-made meal ready and waiting for you. The same goes for your lunch breaks at work.

Good design should be useful and sustainable. The Braun MultiQuick System and our tips can support your meal prepping and, in turn, help you to enjoy a healthier, balanced diet and establish a more sustainable relationship with food.

Related articles.

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Stop food ending up in the bin: Shop sensibly and seasonally.


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