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Braun CareStyle 3

Braun CareStyle 3 dampstrygejern

Super kompakt. Meget stor beholderkapacitet.

Wybierz żelazko z generatorem pary CareStyle 3, które najbardziej odpowiada Twoim potrzebom:

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CareStyle 3 Pro-dampstrygejern IS3157BL

  • 1.542,09 zł
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CareStyle 3-dampstrygejern IS 3132 WH

  • 1.453,99 zł
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CareStyle 3 Steam generator iron IS 3042 White/blue

Niet op voorraad
  • 1.490,90 zł
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CareStyle 3 Pro-dampstrygejern IS 3155 VI

Niet op voorraad
  • 1.542,09 zł

Afgeronde strijkzool geïnspireerd op de vorm van een snowboard.

Braun's unieke FreeGlide 3D Technologie. Voor bewegingsvrijheid in alle richtingen.

3D-strijkzool - omdat de helft van de bewegingen achterwaarts is.

Geïnspireerd op de vorm van een snowboard, de FreeGlide 3D technologie  zorgt voor 360° strijkgemak over iedere stof en alle obstakels. Blijf nooit meer hangen achter knopen, zakken of ritsen, zelfs niet bij achterwaartse strijkbewegingen. Moeilijk te bereiken plekken strijkt u moeiteloos glad.  Geniet van een perfect gestreken eindresultaat, snel.

Braun’s best glijdende strijkzool: De unieke EloxalPlus strijkzool.

De unieke EloxalPlus strijkzool zorgt voor perfecte glijresultaten voor een nog sneller strijkresultaten. Naast uitstekende duurzaamheid voor langdurige prestaties, helpt EloxalPlus om de zoolplaat bestand te houden tegen zowel oxidatie als krassen, omdat het 2x harder is dan roestvrij staal.

Kompakti muotoilu helppoa säilytystä varten.

Uudella CareStyle 3 -höyrysilityskeskuksella on tilaa säästävä muotoilu, ja sen mitat ovat Braun-sarjan pienimmät. Kevyen ja kompaktin muodon ja ohuen, pyöristetyn muotoilun ansiosta CareStyle 3 -järjestelmää on helppo siirtää ja säilyttää – etenkin, jos haluat sijoittaa sen kaappiin, kun sitä ei käytetä.

Extra-large removable tank.

In spite of its extremely compact dimensions, enjoy the advantage of an extra-large 2-litre tank capacity: Fewer interruptions for refilling, which makes ironing faster – especially when you have large loads to do. Convenient LED lights alert you when water is needed. Refilling is fast and easy with the removable tank. It is designed for convenient one-handed removal, the comfortable handle makes it safe to carry. The large filling holes make refilling the tank right from the faucet nice and easy.

More steam power.

No matter how crumpled your clothes are, the CareStyle series lets you get them wrinkle-free faster than you ever thought possible. The steam rate of the CareStyle steam generator irons is double as high as that of conventional steam irons.* And the steam pressure is much higher as well. More steam means faster elimination of wrinkles – all of them. CareStyle’s steam pressure is so powerful you can also use it for vertical steaming.
* Vs. Braun TS5 steam iron

Resultados perfeitos em 50% do tempo*.

A beleza da engomagem perfeita. Muitas pessoas veem a engomagem como uma tarefa aborrecida. Mas a maioria não resiste ao apelo dos resultados perfeitos. Com um ferro com caldeira CareStyle 3 é ainda melhor: O seu potente vapor e manuseamento leve tornam a engomagem mais rápida do que nunca: termine a engomagem em metade do tempo - em comparação com um ferro a vapor normal*.
*Teste laboratorial interno, em que o ferro TS 5 da Braun foi comparado com o ferro com caldeira CareStyle 3.

Easy to lock. Easy to put away.

Braun CareStyle 3 with easy cord storage

Easy cord storage.

The Easy cord storage feature makes putting away your steam generator iron even easier. Thanks to this clever extra, you don’t have to worry about the cord when moving and storing your CareStyle 3.


Easy Lock System.

The Easy Lock feature secures the device safely and quickly, making carrying of the whole system easy and enabling space- saving storage. Simply place the solplate into the recess on the iron rest and push the slider towards the iron to lock. Click. Then just push to unlock and you are ready to iron again.

Braun CareStyle 3 – Easy CalcClean system

Easy CalcClean System.

Ensures long-lasting performance by automatically warning of any mineral scaling build-up. When the CalcClean alert blinks, two minutes is all it takes to descale with the cleaning vessel.


Designed to perform.

The CareStyle 3 steam generator iron was engineered and built to the highest standards of German quality. To give you top results every day, for years to come, and to make ironing faster and more effortless. The classic Braun design expresses these qualities with a smooth blend of superior performance and pure lines and shapes.
  • Designed in Germany
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Braun CareStyle 3 HowTo

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How to master organization

Tips on how to store and pack your clothes

How to master organisation

Do you know all the symbols on your laundry labels?

How you wash is how you iron

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