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Learn how to master organisation.


Whether at home or on the go – how to store or pack your belongings can be a stressful affair. That’s why we put together some useful tips that make life a lot easier when it comes to organising.



Tips for organising your wardrobe

Your wardrobe is bursting at the seams? Optimise your space to the max: Learn how to organise in perfection - and too little space will never be a problem again.                                                                                                                                                                                 
  1. Take all the clothes out and clean thoroughly.
  2. Keep the clothes from the previous season in clothes’ boxes.
  3. Categorize your clothes: Hang dresses, jackets and shirts up on the highest bars, put trousers on the lower bar, fold sweaters and place t-shirts vertically inside the drawers.
  4. Group accessories together by type.

How to pack the perfect suitcase

Heading out for a business trip, a weekend getaway or your well-deserved annual holiday? Find out to pack smart and avoid wrinkles – so your wardrobe is ready to wear when you arrive.                                                                                                                                            
  1. Be sure to iron your clothes before you start packing them in your suitcase.
  2. Use a suitcase with several compartments.
  3. Fold the clothes and put them in the suitcase, so they sit together firmly.

Tips for folding the sheets

Not only storing your clothes can be a challenge – accommodating bedding and sheets can be even more demanding. Explore some useful tweaks that make your life easier.                                                                                                                                                                                
  1. Iron the sheets before folding them.
  2. For the bottom sheet, join the corners that match the seams and fold in half.
  3. Fold the top sheet into thirds, then in half and then into thirds again.
  4. Wrap all the sheets in an inside out pillowcase.
  5. Keep the quilt vacuum-sealed.

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