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18 programov na spracovanie jedla a iTextureControl
Zvoľte si jeden zo 6 automatických programov na prípravu jedla a potom si vyberte jedno z troch nastavení textúry.
Technológia TriAction
Špeciálne navrhnutá nádoba trojuholníkového tvaru zabraňuje vzniku mŕtvych uhlov a rýchlejšie presúva suroviny do mixovacieho priestoru.
Čepeľ PrecisionEdge
Odborne skonštruované a vyrobené v nemeckom Solingene. Čepeľ 2 v 1 sa skladá z rovnej čepele na drvenie tvrdých surovín a zahnutej čepele na sekanie vlákien, semien a suchých plodov do hladkej štruktúry.
Program Clean
Stačí pridať umývací prostriedok a vodu a zvoliť umývací program.
1 600 W
Objem nádoby
2,0 l
TriAction Technology
The specially designed triangular-shaped jug avoids blind spots and redirects the ingredients faster to the blending area.
SmoothCrush Blade System
Higher blade positioning enables efficient blending circulation.
Silent blending
Designed for less noise and more efficient blending.
800 W
1.5 L
TriAction Technology
The specially designed triangular-shaped jug avoids blind spots and redirects the ingredients faster to the blending area.
SmoothCrush Blade System
Higher blade positioning enables efficient blending circulation.
Clever compact design
Compact and convenient to store in small kitchens – with a 60 % smaller footprint*. *Compared to Braun JB9040
600 W
Working capacity
1.25 L
Unique triangular jug
For efficient blending circulation – creates both a horizontal and vertical flow.
800 W
Working capacity
2.0 L
18 food programs & iTextureControl
Select one of the 6 automated food programs, then choose between three texture settings.
TriAction Technology
The specially designed triangular-shaped jug avoids blind spots and redirects the ingredients faster to the blending area.
PrecisionEdge Blade
Expertly engineered and made in Solingen, Germany. The 2in1 blade consists of a straight one to crush hard ingredients and a curved one to cut fibres, seeds and dry fruits into a smooth texture.
Clean Program
Simply add washing up liquid and water and select the cleaning program.
1600 W
Working capacity
2.0 L
TriAction Technology
The specially designed triangular-shaped jug avoids blind spots and redirects the ingredients faster to the blending area.
SmoothCrush Blade System
Higher blade positioning enables efficient blending circulation.
Silent blending
Designed for less noise and more efficient blending.
800 W
1.5 L
TriAction Technology
The specially designed triangular-shaped jug avoids blind spots and redirects the ingredients faster to the blending area.
SmoothCrush Blade System
Higher blade positioning enables efficient blending circulation.
Clever compact design
Compact and convenient to store in small kitchens – with a 60 % smaller footprint*. *Compared to Braun JB9040
600 W
Working capacity
1.25 L
18 food programs & iTextureControl
Select one of the 6 automated food programs, then choose between three texture settings.
TriAction Technology
The specially designed triangular-shaped jug avoids blind spots and redirects the ingredients faster to the blending area.
PrecisionEdge Blade
Expertly engineered and made in Solingen, Germany. The 2in1 blade consists of a straight one to crush hard ingredients and a curved one to cut fibres, seeds and dry fruits into a smooth texture.
Clean Program
Simply add washing up liquid and water and select the cleaning program.
1600 W
Working capacity
2.0 L
TriAction Technology
The specially designed triangular-shaped jug avoids blind spots and redirects the ingredients faster to the blending area.
SmoothCrush Blade System
Higher blade positioning enables efficient blending circulation.
Silent blending
Designed for less noise and more efficient blending.
800 W
1.5 L
TriAction Technology
The specially designed triangular-shaped jug avoids blind spots and redirects the ingredients faster to the blending area.
SmoothCrush Blade System
Higher blade positioning enables efficient blending circulation.
Clever compact design
Compact and convenient to store in small kitchens – with a 60 % smaller footprint*. *Compared to Braun JB9040
600 W
Working capacity
1.25 L
Unique triangular jug
For efficient blending circulation – creates both a horizontal and vertical flow.
800 W
Working capacity
2.0 L