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MultiFry 5 HF5030BK

Our recipe collection for air fry mode.

Braun MultiFry 5 Airfryer standing on a kitchen counter, surronded by plates with fries,falafel and fish with vegetables.

Discover Air fryer versatility with our MultiFry 5 recipes.

Use your MultiFry 5 Air fryer to enjoy your favorite crispy foods with less fat. We’ve got the perfect recipes for every craving.
Top view of healthy ingredients such as eggs, nuts, broccoli and salmon.

Something healthy from every category.

Your favorite dishes with less oil but all the taste. 
The MultiFry 5 helps you create nutritious, wholesome meals that are crispy on the outside and tender inside – perfect for a balanced lifestyle.

Healthy recipes for air fry mode.

Tandoori chicken

Image of tandoori chicken made using an air fryer.

Vegetarian rice stuffed peppers

Image of vegetarian rice stuffed peppers made using an air fryer.


Image of falafels made using an air fryer.

Spiced sweet potato and chickpea salad

Image of spiced sweet potato chickpea salad made using an air fryer.

Prawn and Courgette Kebabs

Image of prawn courgette kebabs made using an air fryer.

Roasted Pumpkin and Halloumi

Image of roasted pumpkin halloumi made using an air fryer.

Green shakshuka

Image of green shakshuka made using an air fryer.
Top view of a variety of vegetables.

Vegetarian recipes.

From crispy roasted vegetables to savory vegetarian gratins – discover how the MultiFry 5 brings out the best flavors and textures in your meat-free dishes while preserving nutrients and natural goodness.

Vegetarian recipes for air fry mode.

Hassleback aubergine Italian style

Image of hassleback aubergine made using an air fryer.

Spiced sweet potato and chickpea salad

Image of spiced sweet potato chickpea salad made using an air fryer.


Image of falafels made using an air fryer.

French fries seasoned with herbs

Image of french fries made using an air fryer.

Cauliflower fritters

Image of cauliflower fritters made using an air fryer.

Courgette chips

Image of courgette chips made using an air fryer.

Spicy sweet potato wedges

Image of spicy sweet potato wedges made using an air fryer.

Stuffed veggie burgers

Image of stuffed veggie burgers made using an air fryer.

Vegetarian rice stuffed peppers

Image of vegetarian rice stuffed peppers made using an air fryer.

Cheese croquettes

Image of cheese croquettes made using an air fryer.

Berenjena con arroz jazmín y salsa de gochujang

Image of gochujang eggplant made using an air fryer.

Calabaza Asada con Halloumi

Image of roasted pumpkin halloumi made using an air fryer.

Shakshuka verde

Image of green shakshuka made using an air fryer.
Top view of a variety of cooked fish and seafood dishes.

Platos de pescado y marisco.

Crea platos de pescado y marisco perfectamente cocinados con la textura ideal en todo momento. El control preciso de temperatura asegura que los mariscos delicados se mantengan jugosos y llenos de sabor.

Recetas de pescado y marisco para el modo Air Fryer

Langostinos rebozados

Image of breaded king prawns made using an air fryer.

Croquetas de salmón y patatas

Image of salmon potato croquettes made using an air fryer.

Brochetas de langostinos y calabacín

Image of prawn courgette kebabs made using an air fryer.

Bocaditos de bacalao, patatas y aceitunas

Image of cod potato olive bites made using an air fryer.
Top view of a cooked steak, baked duck, meatballs and some side veggies.

Sabrosas carnes

Desde pollo jugoso hasta carnes perfectamente cocinadas: descubre cómo la distribución superior del calor te ayuda a lograr resultados tiernos y jugosos mientras mantienes la preparación rápida y sencilla.

Recetas de carne para el modo Air Fryer.

Chuletas de cordero en costra de pistacho

Image of lamb cutlets pistachio crust made using an air fryer.

Yakitori de pollo

Image of chicken yakitori made using an air fryer.

Goujons de pollo con semillas de sésamo

Image of chicken goujons sesame seeds made using an air fryer.

Pollo con costra de copos de maíz

Image of cornflake crusted chicken made using an air fryer.

Pollo tandoori

Image of tandoori chicken made using an air fryer.
Top view of a grilled cheese sandwich.

Recetas reconfortantes.

¿Te apetece algo contundente? Prepara tus favoritos de siempre más rápido y con menos aceite. Desde patatas fritas crujientes hasta aperitivos dorados, la MultiFry 5 ofrece el crujiente satisfactorio que te encanta.

Recetas de reconfortantes para el modo Air fryer

Pollo con costra de copos de maíz

Image of cornflake crusted chicken made using an air fryer.

Croquetas de queso

Image of cheese croquettes made using an air fryer.

Buñuelos de coliflor

Image of cauliflower fritters made using an air fryer.

Yakitori de pollo

Image of chicken yakitori made using an air fryer.

Gajos de boniato especiado

Image of spicy sweet potato wedges made using an air fryer.

Chips de calabacín

Image of courgette chips made using an air fryer.

Goujons de pollo con semillas de sésamo

Image of chicken goujons sesame seeds made using an air fryer.

Patatas al horno rellenas

Image of stuffed baked potatoes made using an air fryer.

Patatas fritas con hierbas aromáticas

Image of french fries made using an air fryer.

Hamburguesas vegetales rellenas

Image of stuffed veggie burgers made using an air fryer.

Croquetas de salmón y patatas

Image of salmon potato croquettes made using an air fryer.

Bocaditos de bacalao, patatas y aceitunas

Image of cod potato olive bites made using an air fryer.
Top view of a selection of golden brown cakes and pies.

Recetas de tartas y postres para el modo Horno.

Zoete lekkernijen, simpel gemaakt! Of je nu taarten bakt of warme desserts bereidt, de nauwkeurige temperatuurregeling van de MultiFry 5 zorgt ervoor dat je keer op keer heerlijke resultaten bereikt.

Recetas de tartas y postres para modo Air Fryer.

Braun MultiFry 5 HF5030BK.

MultiFry 5 HF5030BK.

Hungry for more? Try our recipes for yourself and start your air fryer journey now.
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