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Braun MultiQuick System

The world’s largest attachment system* for unlimited versatility.

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Hand blender attachments & accessories

Hand blender attachments & accessories

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Recipe collection

Fun and simple recipes from Braun.

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Braun Multiquick 9x hand blenders in use

Braun MultiQuick

L’éventail d’accessoires le plus fourni au monde pour une polyvalence illimitée.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender

Braun Hand blenders

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MultiQuick 9

Braun’s best performing and most powerful.

MultiQuick 9
MultiQuick 9

Active PowerDrive Technology

60% faster performance³ to blend even the hardest ingredients.

ActiveBlade Technology⁵

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

iMode Technology

Select your speed settings from pulse, low speed or high speed.

Advanced SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the extra large control button the more power you get.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1200 W

MultiQuick 7

Faster and stronger. For food they love.

MultiQuick 7
MultiQuick 7

ActiveBlade Technology⁵

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

Easy SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the more power you get.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5 Pro

Enjoy ultimate versatility for big flavour in smaller portions.

MultiQuick 5 Pro
MultiQuick 5 Pro

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 25 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

Ergonomic grip handle

Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5

Up to 4x finer results² at the turn of your thumb.

MultiQuick 5
MultiQuick 5

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 21 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

Ergonomic grip handle

Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 3 Vario

Efficient blending. Maximum precision.

MultiQuick 3 Vario
MultiQuick 3 Vario

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 11 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments.


750 W

MultiQuick 3

Fast and efficient blending.

MultiQuick 3
MultiQuick 3

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

Easy 2-Speed

Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments..


700 W

MultiQuick 1

Just what you need. Light and easy.

MultiQuick 1
MultiQuick 1

Extra lightweight

Braun's lightest Hand blender.

Easy 1-speed

Simply click and hold to blend.

EasyTwist System

Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.


450 W

MultiQuick 2

Up to 2 times finer results³.

MultiQuick 2
MultiQuick 2

Easy 2-Speed

Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.

EasyTwist System

Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.

Full soft-grip

Soft-grip finish on the entire upper blender body and a slim-line handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.


600 W

MultiQuick 5 Pro

Enjoy ultimate versatility for big flavour in smaller portions.

MultiQuick 5 Pro
MultiQuick 5 Pro

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 25 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

Ergonomic grip handle

Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5

Up to 4x finer results² at the turn of your thumb.

MultiQuick 5
MultiQuick 5

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 21 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

Ergonomic grip handle

Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 2

Up to 2 times finer results³.

MultiQuick 2
MultiQuick 2

Easy 2-Speed

Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.

EasyTwist System

Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.

Full soft-grip

Soft-grip finish on the entire upper blender body and a slim-line handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.


600 W

MultiQuick 9

Braun’s best performing and most powerful.

MultiQuick 9
MultiQuick 9

Active PowerDrive Technology

60% faster performance³ to blend even the hardest ingredients.

ActiveBlade Technology⁵

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

iMode Technology

Select your speed settings from pulse, low speed or high speed.

Advanced SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the extra large control button the more power you get.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1200 W

MultiQuick 7

Faster and stronger. For food they love.

MultiQuick 7
MultiQuick 7

ActiveBlade Technology⁵

World’s first ActiveBlade moves up and down blend even the hardest foods.

Easy SmartSpeed

The more you squeeze the more power you get.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 9 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5 Pro

Enjoy ultimate versatility for big flavour in smaller portions.

MultiQuick 5 Pro
MultiQuick 5 Pro

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 25 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

Ergonomic grip handle

Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 5

Up to 4x finer results² at the turn of your thumb.

MultiQuick 5
MultiQuick 5

PowerBell VPlus

An extra milling blade and 6 inner ribs create more interaction between food and the blades.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 21 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

Ergonomic grip handle

Designed for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.

EasyClick System Plus

Compatible with up to 7 straight cut attachments.


1000 W

MultiQuick 3 Vario

Efficient blending. Maximum precision.

MultiQuick 3 Vario
MultiQuick 3 Vario

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

One-hand speed wheel

Variable speed wheel with 11 different speeds, designed to be easily controlled by your thumb.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments.


750 W

MultiQuick 3

Fast and efficient blending.

MultiQuick 3
MultiQuick 3

PowerBell Plus

An extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation.

Easy 2-Speed

Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.

SplashControl Technology

Prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results.

EasyClick System

Compatible with up to 8 wave cut attachments..


700 W

MultiQuick 1

Just what you need. Light and easy.

MultiQuick 1
MultiQuick 1

Extra lightweight

Braun's lightest Hand blender.

Easy 1-speed

Simply click and hold to blend.

EasyTwist System

Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.


450 W

MultiQuick 2

Up to 2 times finer results³.

MultiQuick 2
MultiQuick 2

Easy 2-Speed

Choose between two speeds to create great results quickly.

EasyTwist System

Compatible with up to 3 EasyTwist attachments.

Full soft-grip

Soft-grip finish on the entire upper blender body and a slim-line handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.


600 W

Braun MultiQuick-9X – World's largest attachment system
Braun MultiQuick The no. 1 hand blender brand.

La marque de mixeur plongeant n° 1.* Conçue pour ce qui est important.

Nos 4 objectifs de réussite : polyvalence, design, qualité et innovation. Vous serez étonnés de constater à quel point il est rapide et facile de cuisiner de A à Z le repas le plus élaboré avec notre système MultiQuick. Il n’y a aucune limite. Le système MultiQuick de Braun offre une large gamme de puissances, de différentes options de commande et possibilités d’accessoires. Quel type de système MultiQuick vous ressemble ? 
* Source : Institut de recherche indépendant, Value Sales Leader, activité 2019 dans 46 pays

Do it all with the world’s largest attachment system.³

One hand blender motor unit and an amazing range of innovative attachments, for unlimited versatility. It combines numerous kitchen appliances into one innovative solution.
Braun  MQ 9 Hand blender with ActiveBlade


La première technologie ActiveBlade au monde.

Les lames ActiveBlades uniques montent et descendent pour mixer facilement les aliments les plus durs avec 40 % d’efforts en moins*. Mise au point pour s’attaquer aux aliments les plus durs, cette nouvelle tige flexible innovante se caractérise par une surface active de 250 % pour une meilleure coupe, ce qui permet d’obtenir un mixage 2 fois plus fin ! Cela signifie que vous pouvez devenir plus créatif.
* Comparé aux mixeurs plongeants Braun non équipés de la technologie ActiveBlade.

Des caractéristiques plus innovantes.

Technologie SplashControl.

Obtenez des résultats parfaits sans aucun problème. Chaque mixeur plongeant Braun est équipé de la tige de mixage unique PowerBell avec la technologie SplashControl pour vous garder impeccables, vous et votre cuisine.

View from above into a soup pot woman is blending a soup with the Braun MultiQuick 5 Pro hand blender

Technologie PowerBell Plus.

Une lame supplémentaire est égale à une puissance supplémentaire. La lame supplémentaire innovante offre davantage de découpe par rotation. Coupez de gros morceaux d’aliments avec plus de confort et moins d’efforts.

Braun Hand blender PowerBell Plus technology

Technologie SmartSpeed.

Toutes les vitesses peuvent être sélectionnées intuitivement d’une simple pression. Si vous souhaitez obtenir de gros morceaux, exercez une légère pression. Pour obtenir un mixage fin, accentuez la pression pour plus de puissance.

Close up of Braun MultiQuick 7 hand blender shaft with SmartSpeed button
Braun Forschung -  100 quality tests


Testé selon les normes de qualité les plus élevées.

Chaque mixeur plongeant est équipé d’un moteur puissant et de haute qualité, développé pour garantir une conception ergonomique et compacte permettant de l’utiliser d’une seule main, sans vibrations ni bruit excessifs. Plus de 60 millions de mixeurs plongeants ont été fabriqués dans l’usine Braun au cours de ces 18 dernières années.
Pour garantir des normes de qualité élevées, chaque produit est soigneusement testé : depuis sa phase de développement à sa phase de mise en production en série, des phases étayées par 50 ans d’expérience Braun.
Braun Hand blender design made in Germany


Conçu en Allemagne.

« Ne persuadez pas. Contentez-vous de convaincre. » Cette devise de Braun remonte aux années 1950. Depuis lors, le design innovant et indépendant de Braun a fait preuve d’arguments plus que convaincants. Nos principes de conception et nos valeurs fondamentales de fonctionnalité, de clarté, de longévité et d’intemporalité se retrouvent dans les centaines de produits que Braun a déjà commercialisés, et tout naturellement dans les produits que nous continuons à créer pour nos précieux clients chaque jour.

En savoir plus

Braun's new MultiQuick 5 Pro

Ultimate versatility. Up to 4x finer results.

Braun MultiQuick 5 Pro with Size Control Chopper

Systèmes Braun MultiQuick

Découvrez la polyvalence.

Braun Hand blenders attachments

¹ vs. Braun MQ100 dip on almond milk
² vs. Braun MQ10.000P on almond milk.
³ comparative analysis on number of hand blenders' accessories marketed by competitors - year 2022. Applies to MultiQuick 3 to MultiQuick 9.
⁴ Independent Research Institute, Sales Leader Full Year 2023.
⁵ Compared to Braun hand blenders with non ActiveBlade shaft.

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