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Braun stoomgeneratoren

Bespaar 50%* tijd voor wat er echt toe doet.

Met de CareStyle-stoomgeneratoren en hun unieke combinatie van DoubleSteam-Technologie en FreeGlide 3D-technologie.
*Bespaart 50% tijd (interne laboratoriumtest, vergeleken met Braun TS3-stoomstrijkijzer)

Braun stoomgeneratoren

Top prestaties (3)
Essentieel en praktisch (3)
Het meest compact (2)
Best verkocht (3)
Alles tonen (-)

CareStyle 9

Brauns meest innovatieve stoomgenerator.

CareStyle 9
CareStyle 9

iMode OLED-Technologie

iCare, eco, turbo, Auto Steam verticaal/horizontaal, boost

Strijkzool met EloxalPlus coating

Brauns best glijdende strijkzool, twee keer harder dan roestvrij staal.


Stoomafgifte tot 190 g/min, stoomshot tot 750 g/min en 9 bar stoomdruk.

FreeGlide 3D-Technologie

Unieke naar boven gebogen strijkzool. Glijd achterwaarts over elk obstakel zoals knoppen of zakken.


Herkent wanneer ontkalken nodig is en doet dit automatisch.

4-sterren ergonomisch gecertificeerd strijkijzer

CareStyle 7

De best presterende stoomgenerator van Braun.

CareStyle 7
CareStyle 7


Tot 190 g/min


Stoomafgifte tot 190 g/min, 8 bar stoomdruk en stoomshot tot 650 g/min.

FreeGlide 3D-Technologie

Unieke naar boven gebogen strijkzool. Glijdt achterwaarts over obstakels zoals knopen en zakken.

Ultimate FastClean-systeem

Snel en efficiënt ontkalkingssysteem voor langdurige prestaties.

Het eerste ergonomische strijkijzer wereldwijd⁴


Icare, Eco, Turbo, ProSteam*, Boost

CareStyle 5


CareStyle 5
CareStyle 5


Tot 150 g/min

Coating strijkzool

Brauns best glijdende strijkzool. 2x harder dan roestvrij staal.⁶


Stoomafgifte tot 150 g/min, 7,5 bar stoomdruk en stoomshot tot 510 g/min.

FreeGlide 3D-Technologie

Unieke naar boven gebogen strijkzool. Glijdt achterwaarts over obstakels zoals knopen en zakken.

Ultimate FastClean-systeem

Snel en efficiënt ontkalkingssysteem voor langdurige prestaties.

4-sterren ergonomisch gecertificeerd strijkijzer⁵

CareStyle 3

Krachtig en compact.

CareStyle 3
CareStyle 3


Digitaal: iCare, Eco, Turbo, Verticaal

Coating strijkzool

Brauns best glijdende strijkzool. 2x harder dan roestvrij staal.⁶


Stoomafgifte tot 125 g/min, 6,8 bar stoomdruk en stoomshot tot 460 g/min.


Produceert meer dan twee keer zoveel stoom als normale stoomstrijkijzers³, waardoor je strijktijd wordt gehalveerd.

Capaciteit waterreservoir

2l afneembaar

FreeGlide 3D-Technologie

Unieke naar boven gebogen strijkzool. Glijdt achterwaarts over obstakels zoals knopen en zakken.

CareStyle 1 Pro

2x sneller strijken met 3x meer stoom¹.

CareStyle 1 Pro
CareStyle 1 Pro


Mechanisch: Thermostaatknop

Coating strijkzool

Voor zacht en eenvoudig strijken.


Stoomafgifte tot 120 g/min, 6 bar stoomdruk en stoomshot tot 400 g/min.


Produce three times as much steam as normal steam irons⁴, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

1.7 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

CareStyle 1

Fast and easy ironing.

CareStyle 1
CareStyle 1

Temperature setting

Mechanical: Thermostat knob

Soleplate coating

SuperCeramic. For gentle and easy ironing.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 120 g/min steam rate, 6 bar steam pressure and up to 360 g/min steam shot.

Water tank capacity

1.7 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

iCare Technology

Safe on garments, regardless of the setting, no burns or damage while ironing.

CareStyle Compact Pro

Saves 50% time and space².

CareStyle Compact Pro
CareStyle Compact Pro

Temperature setting

Digital: iCare, Eco, Turbo, Vertical

Soleplate coating

EloxalPlus. Braun's best gliding soleplate. 2x harder than stainless steel⁶.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 125 g/min steam rate, 6.5 bar steam pressure and up to 450 g/min steam shot.

AdvancedSteam Technology

Produce three times as much steam as normal steam irons⁴, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

1.5 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

CareStyle Compact

Saves 50% time and space².

CareStyle Compact
CareStyle Compact

Temperature setting

Digital: iCare, Eco, Turbo.

Soleplate coating

EloxalPlus. Braun's best gliding soleplate. 2x harder than stainless steel⁶.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 125 g/min steam rate, 6.8 bar steam pressure and up to 460 g/min steam shot.

AdvancedSteam Technology

Produce more than twice as much steam as normal steam irons³, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

1.5 L fixed.

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

CareStyle 7

Braun's most powerful ironing system.

CareStyle 7
CareStyle 7

Steam rate

Up to 190 g/min

PowerSteam Technology

Up to 190 g/min steam rate, 8 bar steam pressure and up to 650 g/min steam shot.

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

Ultimate FastClean system

Fast and efficient descaling system for long lasting performance.

World's 1st ergonomics certified iron⁵

iMode Technology

care, Eco, Turbo, ProSteam, Boost

CareStyle Compact Pro

Saves 50% time and space².

CareStyle Compact Pro
CareStyle Compact Pro

Temperature setting

Digital: iCare, Eco, Turbo, Vertical

Soleplate coating

EloxalPlus. Braun's best gliding soleplate. 2x harder than stainless steel⁶.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 125 g/min steam rate, 6.5 bar steam pressure and up to 450 g/min steam shot.

AdvancedSteam Technology

Produce three times as much steam as normal steam irons⁴, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

1.5 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

CareStyle 3

Powerful and compact.

CareStyle 3
CareStyle 3

Temperature setting

Digital: iCare, Eco, Turbo, Vertical

Soleplate coating

EloxalPlus. Braun's best gliding soleplate. 2x harder than stainless steel⁶.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 125 g/min steam rate, 6.8 bar steam pressure and up to 460 g/min steam shot.

AdvancedSteam Technology

Produce more than twice as much steam as normal steam irons³, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

2 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

CareStyle 7

Braun's most powerful ironing system.

CareStyle 7
CareStyle 7

Steam rate

Up to 190 g/min

PowerSteam Technology

Up to 190 g/min steam rate, 8 bar steam pressure and up to 650 g/min steam shot.

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

Ultimate FastClean system

Fast and efficient descaling system for long lasting performance.

World's 1st ergonomics certified iron⁵

iMode Technology

care, Eco, Turbo, ProSteam, Boost

CareStyle 5

Ultra powerful.

CareStyle 5
CareStyle 5

Steam rate

Up to 150 g/min.

Soleplate coating

EloxalPlus. Braun's best gliding soleplate. 2x harder than stainless steel⁶.

PowerSteam Technology

Up to 150 g/min steam rate, 7,5 bar steam pressure and up to 510 g/min steam shot.

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

Ultimate FastClean system

Fast and efficient descaling system for long lasting performance.

4-star ergonomics certified iron⁵

CareStyle 3

Powerful and compact.

CareStyle 3
CareStyle 3

Temperature setting

Digital: iCare, Eco, Turbo, Vertical

Soleplate coating

EloxalPlus. Braun's best gliding soleplate. 2x harder than stainless steel⁶.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 125 g/min steam rate, 6.8 bar steam pressure and up to 460 g/min steam shot.

AdvancedSteam Technology

Produce more than twice as much steam as normal steam irons³, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

2 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

CareStyle 1 Pro

2x faster ironing with 3x more steam¹.

CareStyle 1 Pro
CareStyle 1 Pro

Temperature setting

Mechanical: Thermostat knob

Soleplate coating

SuperCeramic. For gentle and easy ironing.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 120 g/min steam rate, 6 bar steam pressure and up to 400 g/min steam shot.

AdvancedSteam Technology

Produce three times as much steam as normal steam irons⁴, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

1.7 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

CareStyle 1

Fast and easy ironing.

CareStyle 1
CareStyle 1

Temperature setting

Mechanical: Thermostat knob

Soleplate coating

SuperCeramic. For gentle and easy ironing.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 120 g/min steam rate, 6 bar steam pressure and up to 360 g/min steam shot.

Water tank capacity

1.7 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

iCare Technology

Safe on garments, regardless of the setting, no burns or damage while ironing.

CareStyle Compact Pro

Saves 50% time and space².

CareStyle Compact Pro
CareStyle Compact Pro

Temperature setting

Digital: iCare, Eco, Turbo, Vertical

Soleplate coating

EloxalPlus. Braun's best gliding soleplate. 2x harder than stainless steel⁶.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 125 g/min steam rate, 6.5 bar steam pressure and up to 450 g/min steam shot.

AdvancedSteam Technology

Produce three times as much steam as normal steam irons⁴, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

1.5 L removable

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

CareStyle Compact

Saves 50% time and space².

CareStyle Compact
CareStyle Compact

Temperature setting

Digital: iCare, Eco, Turbo.

Soleplate coating

EloxalPlus. Braun's best gliding soleplate. 2x harder than stainless steel⁶.

DoubleSteam Technology

Up to 125 g/min steam rate, 6.8 bar steam pressure and up to 460 g/min steam shot.

AdvancedSteam Technology

Produce more than twice as much steam as normal steam irons³, which helps cut your ironing time in half.

Water tank capacity

1.5 L fixed.

FreeGlide 3D Technology

Unique upward curving soleplate. Glide backwards over any obstacle like buttons and pockets.

Save time with Braun CareStyle Steam Generator Irons

Perfect results with 50% time saving*. Save time for what really matters.

Many people see ironing as a chore. But most can also not resist the satisfying appeal of perfect results. With a CareStyle steam generator iron it gets even better: Due to Braun’s unique combination of DoubleSteam technology and FreeGlide 3D technology you finish in half the time, compared to a regular steam iron*.
*Internal laboratory test, comparing Braun TS 5 iron with Braun CareStyle 5 steam generator iron.

Smart iCare and Eco mode.

The smart iCare mode protects your clothes with a safe temperature for all kinds of fabrics – for smart textile protection and no time wasted on heating up or cooling down. This saves time and hassle and you will be pleased with the outcome. Or choose Eco temperature mode for delicate fabrics.
Braun CareStyle Steam Generator Irons with FreeGlide 3D soleplate

FreeGlide 3D soleplate. Let nothing slow you down.

A standard on all Braun Steam generator irons: For unique 360°glidability over any fabric, any obstacle – even backwards. Never again will you get stuck on hard to reach seams, constantly readjusting the garment, which causes new wrinkles. The rounded and bevelled edges of the soleplate allow the iron to glide effortlessly over buttons, pockets etc. – anything it meets along your way.

The standard on all Braun Steam generator irons.

Discover a range of clever innovations to deliver top ironing results in half the time.

Easy lock system.

The one-move, easy lock feature secures the device safely and quickly: just press the iron down onto the station and it is locked.


Perfectly compact design for easiest storage.

When you’re finished just pick up the whole compact system and it is ready to be stored away – quick and easier.

Braun Steam Generator Irons  - compact and easy to store

Designed for perfect ergonomics.

The lightweight steam generator irons help you glide through wrinkles effortlessly and features a premium soft grip handle for maximum comfort and ease of use.

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