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Grilling for Every Palate:
From Traditional Favorites
to Exotic Delights.

Braun Grilling Types

The barbecue season is starting! Barbecue season? For us, it lasts 365 days a year. Because whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks – almost anything is possible with the Braun MultiGrill series. And all year round. Discover the versatility of the Braun MultiGrill series with different plates and cooking positions. Grill for yourself, your family, or your friends. Enjoy a wide range of functions, intuitive usability and professional results that will melt in your mouth.

What type of chef are you?

Quick and easy or exclusive and exotic? Almost anything is possible on the barbecue. What you want to prepare with the Braun MultiGrills depends entirely on what type of griller you are and what your preferences are.
The sausage purist.

The sausage purist.

… doesn't need much more than a pair of barbecue tongs because he likes it simple but tasty! A perfectly grilled sausage, a little mustard and a homemade salad from grandma and the classic lover is happy. Maybe a crusty baguette - that's all he needs. Just because you can grill almost anything doesn't mean you have to. The big advantage: it requires hardly any preparation time and is easy to grill, with a guaranteed success.

Lust auf ein paar klassische Grillrezepte?

Schüssel mit Salat und Räucherlachs

Bowl with salad and smoked salmon

Hähnchen nach Art der Provence

Provence style chicken

Rinderbraten mit Kartoffeln

Beef patty with potatoes
The serial griller.

Der Seriengriller.

... sucht das Neue, die Erfahrung und die gelegentliche Herausforderung für den eigenen Gourmet-Gaumen. Wagt sich an extravagante Kombinationen und kulinarische Experimente. Hirschfilet in Kakao eingewickelt am Wochenende? Ja, bitte! Aber den Rest der Woche vegan? Klar, natürlich! Ist gut ausgestattet, von dem Fleischthermometer über die Marinierbürste bis hin zum eigens importierten Steakpfeffer. Natürlich werden auch die Grillsaucen selbst hergestellt. Trüffelmayonnaise, Mango-Chutney - je ausgefallener, desto besser.

Lust auf ein paar extravagante Grillrezepte?

Gegrillte Garnelen und Pulpo mit Ananassalsa

Grilled prawns and pulpo with pineapple salsa

Lammkoteletts mit Balsamico-Essig und Rosmarin


Hamburger und BBQ-Maiskolben

Hamburgers and BBQ corn ribs
The meatless happy.

The meatless happy.

… likes to barbecue often. But without meat, please. Vegetables, mushrooms and grilled cheese are not a minor matter for him, but the main protagonists. He values the best ingredients, from home-grown tomatoes to Cretan olive oil. He puts in effort in preparation – peeling, chopping, slicing - and plating and knows all about delicious marinades and sauces. With the right tricks, he gets the best out of all meat-free barbecued food.

Want some vegetarian grilling recipes?

Colourful vegetable quiche

Colourful vegetable quiche

Grilled figs with goat cheese, honey and pistachios

Grilled figs with goat cheese, honey and pistachios

Zucchini Feta Scones with Tzatziki-Dip

Zucchini Feta Scones with Tzatziki-Dip
The colourful herbivore.

The colourful herbivore.

… regularly proves that vegan barbecuing can also be colourful and versatile. Knows all about the latest substitute products and everything that grows and thrives in fields and meadows. Knows that – and how – pretty much any vegetable can be turned into delicious barbecue food and also how to season it perfectly. Likes to combine different flavours – for a unique taste experience.

Want some vegan grilling recipes?

Black bean “meatballs” with cashew dip

Black bean “meatballs” with cashew dip

Tofu skewers thai style with peanut dip

Tofu skewers thai style with peanut dip

Croutons and baba ghanoush

Croutons and baba ghanoush

Our tips for easy and effortless preparation.

A side salad, the perfect dip, or a homemade spice blend elevate your personal grilling experience to perfection. Whether with, mixed or without meat, our MultiQuick system will support you to prepare everything you want without any effort.

Blending Shaft.

Marinades & sauces.

The Blending Shaft, crafted from durable stainless steel, is perfect for preparing marinades and sauces for grilling. Its ergonomic design ensures comfortable handling, and advanced technology guarantees smooth, consistent results and easy cleaning, making it essential for grill enthusiasts.
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Food Processor.

Salads & other side dishes.

Effortlessly chop, slice, or shred ingredients? The food processor attachment is ideal for preparing salads and other sides to complement your grilling experience.
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Rubs & Toppings.

Enhance your grilling experience with ease using the Chopper attachment for your hand blender. Quickly prepare marinades, rubs, and toppings by effortlessly chopping and mincing ingredients like onions, garlic, herbs, and nuts.
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Homemade dressings.

Simplify your grilling preparations using the Whisk attachment for your handblender.
Whip up homemade dressings and sauces with ease.
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Spice grinder

Fresh seasonings.

Elevate your grilling experience with freshly ground seasonings.
Grind and blend your own mixtures & create custom spice blends using peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, or dried chilies. To make your grilling experience unique.
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