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Fouette, bat et mélange rapidement et facilement lente ou rapide. Il n’a jamais été aussi rapide de fouetter de la crème, battre des œufs, mélanger la préparation d’un gâteau, faire une sauce hollandaise ou préparer des desserts maison onctueux.
Système EasyClick Plus, compatible avec les gammes MQ7WH, MQ7x et MQ9x.
This attachment is compatible with all Braun motor units with straight cut design.
With the EasyClick Plus system, you can quickly change attachments as you prep. It gives you the versatility to blend, chop, whisk, mash, and puree ingredients effortlessly.
Easily whips, beats and stirs eggs, cream, fluffy dessert from low to high speed.
Refer to the instruction manual for detailed information on which parts are dishwasher safe.
Based on third-party testing
Bazaarvoice SAP Hybris Integration Version 2.8.2