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Braunin tehokkain silitysjärjestelmä CareStyle 7 tuottaa tehokkaan höyrytehonsa ansiosta ammattimaisia tuloksia. Vallankumouksellisella PowerSteam-teknologiallamme varustettu CareStyle 7 tekee vaativimpienkin ryppyjen silottamisesta helppoa.
Se on myös maailman ensimmäinen ergonominen silitysjärjestelmä*, joka on suunniteltu mahdollisimman mukavaksi ja helppokäyttöiseksi. CareStyle 7 on saanut ErgoCertin* arvostetun neljän tähden ergonomialuokituksen, ja ergonomisesti muotoiltu pehmeä kädensija lisää käyttömukavuutta.
Uusi iMode-valitsin on integroitu silitysraudan kahvaan helppoa hallintaa varten. Lisäksi laitteessa on maailman ensimmäinen FreeGlide 3D -tekniikka, joka liukuu taaksepäin ja ylittää minkä tahansa esteen, kuten napit, taskut ja vetoketjut.
* ErgoCertin (Ergonomics Certifying Institute, joka on Accredian tunnustama) sertifioima. Testattu kilpailijoiden myydyimpiin tuotteisiin verrattuna tammikuussa 2020 – katso lisätietoja verkkosivustoltamme.
Professional ironing results thanks to heavy-duty steam power. With this innovative technology you can smooth even the toughest creases fast.
World’s first ergonomics certified iron for maximum comfort and effortless ironing*. Certified by Ergocert (Ergonomics Certifying Institute, recognized by Accredia). Tested vs. best-selling competitors, Jan 2020
No more getting caught on buttons and pockets.
Braun’s best gliding soleplate 2x harder than stainless steel.* * External laboratory test, compared to AISI 304.
Its powerful continuous steam makes vertical steaming of curtains and hanging clothes really easy.
Fast and efficient descaling system for long lasting performance.
Easy to refill, transport and store. Fewer interruptions for refilling, which makes ironing faster.
Designed to make the ironing experience even more enjoyable and relaxing. *Compared to Braun CareStyle 3
Select from 4 modes at the push of a button while ironing – you don’t even have to put down the iron to set the perfect mode for the job.
Smart iCare mode protects your clothes with a safe temperature for all kinds of ironable fabrics – for smart textile protection.
Turbo mode with maximum steam power and higher temperature for particularly tough ironing jobs. Even the most resistant creases in thick fabrics are removed quickly.
Up to 55% energy saving* without compromising on great results. *Compared to the highest setting
Safe and gentle on all ironable fabrics regardless of the setting, to avoid any burn or damage while ironing.
No more annoying water stains and leakage during ironing. Thanks to the digital technology in the CareStyle series, the temperature is controlled far more effectively than with a traditional thermostat – which means you have to iron less because there is no more annoying water coming out of the soleplate to stain or wet your clothes while ironing.