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  3. Pear and coconut parfait with chocolate-cardamom sauce

Pear and coconut parfait with chocolate-cardamom sauce

Pear and coconut parfait with chocolate cardamom sauce

65 min
Marc Fosh
lorem ipsum


Servings: 2

1 as needed vanilla pod, split & seeds scrapped out
100 grams mascarpone
100 ml double cream
150 grams coconut flesh
200 ml apple juice
200 ml fresh coconut milk
300 ml milk
400 grams dark chocolate, 60% cocoa
6 as needed green cardamom pods
6 as needed ripe pears
75 grams sugar
90 grams unsalted butter
1 juice of lemon


STEP 1/3

For the pear compote, peel the pears and half them lengthways. Remove the core from each pear and cut into medium dice. Combine the pear, apple juice, and vanilla pod in a medium saucepan. Place over medium-high heat and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20-25 minutes or until the pear is tender. Chill.

STEP 2/3

Blend the coconut flesh, coconut milk, sugar, lemon juice and mascarpone to a smooth purée with the MQ9. Even hard foods like coconuts can be easily blended due to the up and down movement of the innovative shaft which results in 250% more active cutting surface to work with.* In a separate bowl, whip the cream until soft peaks form and fold into the coconut cream. Divide the chilled pear compote between 6 glasses and spoon the coconut parfait on top. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

STEP 3/3

To make the sauce, heat the milk, cardamom and butter in a saucepan, but do not boil. Place the chocolate in the beaker of the MQ9 and pour the warm milk on top. Blend to a smooth sauce.

To serve, pour a little hot chocolate sauce on top of the coconut parfaits. Garnish with mint leaves and serve immediately.
*Compared to Braun hand blenders with non ACTIVEBlade shaft.
  1. Back to homepage
  2. Recipes
  3. Pear and coconut parfait with chocolate-cardamom sauce

Pear and coconut parfait with chocolate-cardamom sauce

Pear and coconut parfait with chocolate cardamom sauce

65 min
Marc Fosh
lorem ipsum


1 as needed vanilla pod, split & seeds scrapped out
100 grams mascarpone
100 ml double cream
150 grams coconut flesh
200 ml apple juice
200 ml fresh coconut milk
300 ml milk
400 grams dark chocolate, 60% cocoa
6 as needed green cardamom pods
6 as needed ripe pears
75 grams sugar
90 grams unsalted butter
1 juice of lemon


STEP 1/3

For the pear compote, peel the pears and half them lengthways. Remove the core from each pear and cut into medium dice. Combine the pear, apple juice, and vanilla pod in a medium saucepan. Place over medium-high heat and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20-25 minutes or until the pear is tender. Chill.

STEP 2/3

Blend the coconut flesh, coconut milk, sugar, lemon juice and mascarpone to a smooth purée with the MQ9. Even hard foods like coconuts can be easily blended due to the up and down movement of the innovative shaft which results in 250% more active cutting surface to work with.* In a separate bowl, whip the cream until soft peaks form and fold into the coconut cream. Divide the chilled pear compote between 6 glasses and spoon the coconut parfait on top. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

STEP 3/3

To make the sauce, heat the milk, cardamom and butter in a saucepan, but do not boil. Place the chocolate in the beaker of the MQ9 and pour the warm milk on top. Blend to a smooth sauce.

