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The 1-2-3 for perfect tea


Your guide to perfect tea.

​​​​Learn more about different types of teas and discover how to bring out the full flavour of your favourites using the 5 precision settings of the Braun Breakfast ID Collection Water Kettle to ensure optimal brewing at the ideal temperature.


Step 1: Quality of your leave


White tea

As it is barely processed, white tea can be seen as one of the most delicate tea varieties. The name goes back to the harvest that takes place before the tea plants’ leaves are fully opened, when the buds are still covered by fine white hairs. The buds and unfurled leaves are handpicked and need to be quickly and thoroughly dried to avoid oxidation.

Green tea

To preserve their all-natural flavour, green tea leaves are heated or steamed just after they have been harvested. This prevents too much oxidation and produces in a gentle and nourishing beverage.

Black tea

While oxidation is avoided in the manufacturing process of white and green tea, it is crucial to achieve the main characteristics of black tea. Its unique colour and flavour is achieved by a high level of oxidation.

Herbal tea

Herbal teas are considered very popular but as they are not made of leaves of the tea plant, they actually are no “real teas”. Despite that, they stand for a great variety of flavours as they can be made from dried fruits, flowers, spices or herbs.

Oolong tea

Oolong tea is one of the youngest types of tea. It can be sorted somewhere between green and black tea as the tea leaves undergo partial oxidation. The processing of Oolong tea is one of the most time consuming and labor intensive.

Tè Pu-Erh

Il tè Pu-erh subisce una fermentazione microbica dopo che le foglie sono state essiccate. Questo tè è particolarmente speciale perché può invecchiare per decenni o più a lungo e il suo sapore continua a svilupparsi.


Passaggio 2: Qualità dell’acqua

La bontà del tuo tè dipende dall’acqua. La qualità dell’acqua è fondamentale, soprattutto se si sceglie di preparare un tè dal gusto delicato, come il tè bianco o verde. I principali standard utilizzati per giudicare l’acqua sono la durezza, i solidi disciolti totali (TDS) e il cloro. Per migliorare la qualità dell’acqua, puoi investire in sistemi di purificazione come filtri a carbone attivo che riducono le sostanze che influiscono sul sapore, sull’odore o sull’aspetto dell’acqua: l’aroma specifico del tè si diffonderà meglio e il tè apparirà più chiaro. Un’opzione alternativa all’acqua filtrata può essere l’acqua in bottiglia.


Step 3: Temperature of your water & brewing time


Braun ID Breakfast Collection Water Kettle

Make the most of every morning.


Breakfast Types

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