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Beat eggs with salt and pepper with Braun’s MultiQuick 9 hand blender and its whisk accessory until frothy.
Wash the broccoli and cook it in salted boiling water for 5 minutes.
Fry 2 omelettes one after the other in a small, coated pan.
Peel onions and garlic and wash tomatoes, rinse parsley, shake dry and remove leaves. Shred onions, garlic and parsley in the 500ml chopper attachment. Add oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper and mix together. Now, add the cooked broccoli and mix it again shortly to downsize the broccoli to your preferred size.
Pour chickpeas into a sieve, rinse and drain. Halve tomatoes.
Combine everything with dressing and season again.
Fill omelette with salad and serve immediately.
This recipe was prepared using Braun’s MultiQuick 9 hand blender with its 500ml chopper and whisk attachment.
Beat eggs with salt and pepper with Braun’s MultiQuick 9 hand blender and its whisk accessory until frothy.
Wash the broccoli and cook it in salted boiling water for 5 minutes.
Fry 2 omelettes one after the other in a small, coated pan.
Peel onions and garlic and wash tomatoes, rinse parsley, shake dry and remove leaves. Shred onions, garlic and parsley in the 500ml chopper attachment. Add oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper and mix together. Now, add the cooked broccoli and mix it again shortly to downsize the broccoli to your preferred size.
Pour chickpeas into a sieve, rinse and drain. Halve tomatoes.
Combine everything with dressing and season again.
Fill omelette with salad and serve immediately.