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Braun MultiQuick System

The world's largest attachment system for unlimited versatility.

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Braun MultiQuick 9x
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MultiQuick 9

Faites l’expérience d’une polyvalence illimitée avec les produits Braun les plus puissants et les plus performants.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender

Systémy MultiQuick 9.

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Mixer vertical MultiQuick 9 MQ 9195XLI

  • 1.115,49 €
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Mixer vertical MultiQuick 9 MQ 9187XLI

  • 997,99 €
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Mixerul vertical MultiQuick 9 MQ 9147X


  • 733,89 €
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Mixer vertical MultiQuick 9 MQ 9135XI

  • 616,00 €
null Main
  • -10%

MultiQuick 9 Hand blender MQ 9175XL


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  • 845,99 €
  • 942,99 € Suggested price
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Mixer vertical MultiQuick 9 MQ 9125 XS

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  • 587,09 €
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Mixer vertical MultiQuick 9 MQ 9138XI


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Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with ground-breaking technology

Faites l’expérience d’une polyvalence illimitée grâce au plus grand système d’accessoires au monde.*

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Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with ground-breaking technology
Dați frâu liber creativității în bucătărie.

Creați preparate uimitoare cu până la 17 accesorii inovatoare. Amestecați, tocați, feliați, răzuiți, frământați, bateți, mărunțiți, tăiați în cuburi și pasați. Toate acestea plus multe altele.

Tehnologie activă PowerDrive.

Este echipat cu un motor foarte eficient, de 1200 W, care asigură o performanță cu până la 60% mai rapidă.* Vă permite să transformați cele mai tari ingrediente în cele mai delicioase creații culinare (față de MQ100 în cazul sucului de morcovi).

Tehnologie SmartSpeed.

Setările de viteză nu sunt predefinite, prin urmare puteți selecta toate vitezele în mod intuitiv și puteți obține rezultatul dorit prin simpla apăsare a unui buton.

Tehnologie ActiveBlade.

Lama se mișcă în sus și în jos pentru a toca fără efort nuci, nuci de cocos, ghimbir, ciocolată neagră sau orice alte ingrediente greu de tăiat.

Tehnologie EasyClick+.

Schimbați accesoriile rapid și ușor. Cu această tehnologie, cel mai versatil dispozitiv portabil de pe piață combină numeroase aparate de bucătărie într-o singură soluție inovatoare.

A man and woman prepare ingredients for a smoothie at a kitchen counter, including raspberries and watermelon, with Braun's MultiQuick 9X blender

Cel mai bun aparat a devenit și mai bun.

Aparatul cel mai puternic și cel mai performant de la Braun este dotate acum cu un motor de înaltă performanță de 1200 W și cu tehnologia ActiveBlade, care vă permite să transformați cu ușurință cele mai dure ingrediente în cele mai delicioase creații. Noul MultiQuick 9 este echipat cu o gamă largă de noi tehnologii de ultimă oră și include și mai multe accesorii excelente.
A bowl of salad with spinach, pomegranate seeds, cashews, shredded vegetables, and a creamy dressing on a gray cloth. A fork rests beside the bowl.

Posuňte hranice svojich kulinárskych zručností.

MultiQuick 9 pretvára vaše varenie: teraz môžete urobiť viac, ako ste dokázali kedykoľvek predtým, ešte rýchlejšie ako predtým. Ak varíte pre seba, svojich priateľov alebo rodinu – MultiQuick 9 je praktický spotrebič, ktorý zlepší vašu kreativitu v kuchyni.

Healthy eye candy

Unleashing your creativity in the kitchen.

Up to 17 innovative attachments that help you create amazing dishes. Thanks to its EasyClick+ technology, the MultiQuick 9 lets you switch attachments quickly and easily. Blend, chop, slice, grate, knead, whisk, grind, dice and mash. All this and more.
Blending Shaft Recipe Media

The easy way to creamy perfection.
Blend even the hardest foods thanks to the world's first ActiveBlade Technology.

2 dishes from above with dip and soup

Optimal small portion blending.
For mayonnaise, baby food, salad dressing or delicious dips.

Blender Recipe Media

Hakken, mengen en crushen van ijs.
Perfect voor het mixen van milkshakes en romige drankjes of om ijs met gemak te crushen.

Chopper Recipe Media

Hakmolen 500 ml en 350 ml.
Hakt en vermaalt alles in slechts enkele seconden. Kaas, noten, kruiden, noem maar op.

Picture of Pico de Gallo

Chop hard foods in 3 different textures: Fine, medium and coarse.

Recipe photo

Slice, shred, chop or mix.
Create quick meals and smaller quantities with this space saving tool.

Double Beater Recipe Media

Just beat it!
Prepare light doughs for cakes, waffles, pancakes and more.

Food Processor Recipe Media

The ultimate all-in-one attachment.
Chop, blend, knead, slice, shred, dice - all in a 2L bowl.

Puree Recipe Media

Mashing & puréeing
Convenient and fast preparation of perfect mashed potatoes and vegetables.

Spice Grinder Recipe Media

Freshly grinded spices - without picking up odours.
Grind your coffee beans and spices within seconds.

Whisk Recipe Media

Fluff it up.
Whip cream, beat whole eggs or whites or stir Hollandaise sauce.

Top Blending Shaft Media Motorunit of  Braun MultiQuick 5 Hand blender Top Blender Media Top Chopper Media Braun SizeControl Chopper bottom Braun Mini food processor Top Double Beater Media Top Food Processor Media Top Puree Media Top Spice Grinder Media Top Whisk Media
Middle Blending Shaft Media Part of small portion shaft Middle Blender Media Middle Chopper Media Tip of Braun MultiQuick 9 Motor Unit Braun Mini food processor motor Middle Double Beater Media Middle Food Processor Media Middle Puree Media Middle Spice Grinder Media Middle Whisk Media
Bottom Blending Shaft Media Part of small portion shaft Bottom Blender Media Bottom Chopper Media Transition between Braun Mq 9 Hand blender motor unit and the SizeControl chopper Transition between Braun Mq 9 Hand blender motor unit and the Mini food processor Bottom Double Beater Media Bottom Food Processor Media Bottom Puree Media Bottom Spice Grinder Media Bottom Whisk Media
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with imode Technology

More precise results at the push of a button thanks to imode Technology.

Get exactly the texture you want with effortless precision. The innovative imode Technology offers three speed zones: gentle blending for soft ingredients, full power for the toughest foods, and a pulse mode for perfect cutting control - all at the push of a button.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with SmartSpeed Technology

Follow your intuition: The more you squeeze, the more power you get.

Express your creativity in the kitchen with intuitive speed control and perfect results thanks to the innovative SmartSpeed Technology.

Effortlessly tackle the most challenging jobs.

Experience the groundbreaking technology for 40% less effort on the hardest foods compared to Braun hand blenders with non ActiveBlade shaft.


One tool. Endless possibilities.

From the toughest ingredients to the finest blends, master any recipe with the MultiQuick 9.

Healthy made fast.

Turn whole ingredients into nutritious creations with 60% faster performance². The Active PowerDrive 1200 W motor makes quick work of everything from tough vegetables to protein-rich ingredients, helping you maintain your healthy lifestyle.

A person in a pink shirt is using a Braun's MultiQuick 9 hand blender to blend sliced fruit in a clear container on a kitchen counter.

Extra blade, extra power. Fine results.

For smooth results of your favourite blends MultiQuick 9’s ActiveBlade shaft features an up- and downwards moving blade to blend the hardest ingredients with ease. And for even smoother results PowerBell Plus includes an additional milling blade.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with ActiveBlade with PowerBell Plus

Click & create.

Transform your meal prep with EasyClick+ attachments. The innovative click system combines multiple kitchen tools into one versatile solution, giving you the freedom to experiment with any delicious recipe.

Braun MultiQuick-9X – World's largest attachment system

Blend without the mess.

Keep your kitchen spotless while creating healthy recipes. SplashControl ensures clean meal preparation and perfect results with every blend.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with SplashControl.

Design that works for you.

Experience effortless healthy cooking with tools that understand your needs. Crafted for intuitive handling and for years to come, making food preparation easier every day.
  • Designed in Germany

Did you know... to keep your Avocados from browning?

Braun's kitchen hack of the day: after opening an avocado, simply sprinkle some fresh lemon juice on it to keep it from browning. It stays fresh for longer and even tastes good.

Avocado cut in half with citrus juice dripping on it.
Braun MultiQuick 9 hand blender

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Braun MultiQuick Systems

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Braun Hand blenders attachments

MultiQuick 7

Replace your traditional Hand mixer with this new MultiQuick attachment.

Braun MultiQuick 7

¹ vs. MQ100 on carrot juice comparative analysis on number of hand blenders' accessories marketed by competitors - year 2022

² vs. MQ100 on carrot juice
