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Braun MultiQuick System

The world's largest attachment system for unlimited versatility.

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Hand blenders

Perfect blending results

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Simple, easy and handy. Turn fruits into fresh juice in seconds.




Steam generator irons

Save 50% time* for what really matters.

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Garment steamers

Perfect your style.

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Hand blender attachments & accessories

Experience the versatility

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Recipe collection

Fun and simple recipes from Braun.

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Sanitisation function

Kills more than 99.99% of viruses and bacteria¹.

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Braun Healthcare

Discover Braun's hair removal, grooming & skin care products.

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Braun TexStyle 9 – Braun’s fastest steam iron.

TexStyle 9

Las mejores planchas de vapor Braun. Diseñadas para cubrir todas tus necesidades a la hora de planchar.

Inspired by a snowboard to glide backwards over any obstacle. ​​​With FreeGlide 3D Technology.
Braun TexStyle 9 steam iron
Braun TexStyle 9 with Smart iCare mode

Smart iCare mode – for all kind of fabrics*

Your wardrobe’s new best friend: regardless of the length of time spent ironing, your ironing needs or the garment – iCare Technology will make your ironing experience quicker and easier. Smart iCare mode protects your clothes with a safe temperature for all kind of fabrics – for smart textile protection and no time wasted on heating up or cooling down.
* For all TexStyle 9 models and the TexStyle 5 model SI 5188 BK only.
FreeGlide 3D Technology

Deslizamiento de 360° garantizado, ahorra tiempo y problemas. Plancha con Suela Bidireccional 3D

Su forma redondeada y curvada hacia arriba transforma el planchado en una experiencia más rápida, más eficiente y sin complicaciones. Evita atascos en botones, bolsillos y cremalleras, tener que reajustar constantemente la prenda y causar nuevas arrugas. No tendrás problemas para acceder a áreas difíciles de alcanzar. La plancha de vapor TexStyle 9 se desliza sin esfuerzo sobre cualquier tejido, cualquier obstáculo y lo más importante: incluso hacia atrás. Disfruta de resultados rápidos y perfectos.

Características comunes en las planchas de vapor Braun.

Diseñadas para cubrir todas tus necesidades a la hora de planchar

Guaranteed smooth gliding.

Braun’s EloxalPlus, Eloxal, and SuperCeramic ultra durable soleplates assure an excellent gliding experience, for years to come and guarantee you perfect results.

Braun Steam Irons for guaranteed smooth gliding.

Easy and efficient ironing.

Enjoy faster and more convenient refilling thanks to a larger water tank opening. The lid has also been designed more ergonomically to make it easier to open and close.

Braun Steam Irons for easy and efficient ironing.

Excellent results in hard-to-reach areas.

All Braun steam irons were designed and built with a tradition of German quality, expressed both in our dedication to superior design and the passion to create perfectly manufactured products.

Braun Steam Irons  – Excellent results in hard-to-reach areas.

Professional touch on delicate fabrics.

Braun’s EloxalPlus, Eloxal, and SuperCeramic ultra durable soleplates assure an excellent gliding experience, for years to come and guarantee you perfect results.

Braun Steam Irons  – Professional touch on delicate fabrics.
Braun TexStyle 9
Braun Steam Irons designed in Germany.

Designed in Germany.

The lightweight design and outstanding ergonomics of Braun irons combined with powerful steam levels make ironing easier, ensuring the removal of the toughest creases.

¿Sabes qué significan los símbolos de las etiquetas de la ropa?

Diferentes prendas. Necesidades distintas.

Tips and Tricks for proper garment care.

TexStyle 9

Brauns schnellstes Dampfbügeleisen.

Braun TexStyle 9