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Hand blenders
Perfect blending results
Hand blenders
Perfect blending results
Hand blender attachments
Experience the versatility.
Hand mixers
Bring out the joy of cooking and baking.
Jug blenders
Blend sauces, icy drinks & more.
Food processors
Compact. Intelligent. Strong. Unmistakably Braun.
Food steamer
Purely what you need for healthy cooking. Fast and convenient.
Multifunctional contact grills
All in one. Perfectly grilled meat and much more.
Multifunctional contact grills
All in one. Perfectly grilled meat and much more.
Snack Maker
All your favorite snacks in a snap.
Air fryer
Discover ultimate convenience.
Coffee makers
Intuitive design. Inviting aroma
Coffee makers
Intuitive design. Inviting aroma
Water kettles
Fast and reliable with a unique design.
Citrus juicers
Fresh juice made fast & easy.
A tasty, toasty start to your day.
Spin juicers
Make the most out of your fruits.
PurEase Collection
Breakfast made beautifully. Morning made simple.
PurShine Collection
Brighten up your morning.
ID Breakfast Collection
Start the day your way. Breakfast made just the way you like it.
Breakfast Series 1
Just what you need. Start your day off right.
Steam generator irons
Top results faster & easier.
Steam generator irons
Top results faster & easier.
Steam irons
Flawless ironing quick & easy.
Garment steamers
Perfect your style.
Braun Garment care products
Say goodbye to wrinkles, hello to effortless ironing.
Sustainability at Braun
Good design is long-lasting.
Sustainability at Braun
Good design is long-lasting.
Hand blender attachments & accessories
Experience the versatility.
Sanitization funcion
Kills more than 99.99% of viruses and bacteria¹
Eat well, live well
Eating healthy made simple
Recipe collection
Fun and simple recipes from Braun.
Support & Service
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Personal care
Discover Braun's hair removal, grooming & skin care products.
By chilling, freezing, pickling and preserving food, you can extend its shelf life and save it from being condemned to the bin.
Microorganisms can’t reproduce as quickly in low temperatures. For this reason, the best way to keep food fresh is to freeze it. Here’s some rules for freezing food effectively:
Même s'ils sont conservés correctement, certains aliments perdent rapidement leur fraîcheur et prennent une consistance non voulue. Voici comment vous pouvez rafraîchir les vieux aliments de votre stock. to keep your Avocados from browning?
Braun's kitchen hack of the day: after opening an avocado, simply sprinkle some fresh lemon juice on it to keep it from browning. It stays fresh for longer and even tastes good.
…how to save Bananas that turn brown?
You don't like ripe bananas? Don't worry, many people don't. But with our #braunhack there is no need to waste a good fruit. Simply slice and freeze a banana to have it available whenever you need some. Why not try a freshly made and cool smoothie for instance to start your day right?
…how to keep your Carrots crisp?
We carrot wait to try this hack at home. Place your carrots in a glass of water to keep them fresh and crispy. Do you already treat your carrots like flowers and keep them fresh in a vase?
…how to keep your Bananas fresh?
Keep calm and go bananas. Did you know that bananas naturally release a gas called ethylene from their stem, and therefore tend to ripen much faster? Try and cover the stem of the bananas with a small piece of leftover foil, and the ripening process slows dramatically. Have you ever heard about this kitchen hack?
…how to keep your Potatoes from sprouting?
An apple a day keeps the sprouts away. Just place an apple in the same rack with your potatoes. With this little kitchen hack you can keep your potatoes fresh, even if you don't use them up all at once. Have you tried this before?
…how to make stale bread fresh again?
Did you buy too much at the bakery the other day? Don't worry, sprinkle your bread with water and bake it in the oven. With this little trick your baked goods will be fresh and warm again, just in time for Sunday brunch. Try it yourself.
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