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Braun MQ 60 Coffee and spice grinder accessory

MQ 60 Coffee and spice grinder accessory

Grinding coffee & spices within seconds.

The MQ 60 Coffee and spice grinder accessory lets you quickly grind all kind of spices, beans or seeds to powder in an easily cleanable metal attachment.

Enhance your dishes with freshly ground ingredients.

Grinding & creating mixtures Grind coffee beans to fresh perfection or add a little more zest to your next meal with your own homemade spice mixtures using things like peppercorns, cinnamon sticks or dried chillies. The stainless steel bowl doesn’t pick up odours, so you can grind curry at night and your coffee in the morning – without having to worry about tasting one with the other.

MultiQuick 9 with MQ 60 Spice grinder accessory

Coffee and spice grinder

Made of stainless steel for grinding coffee, any kind of spices or dry ingredients within seconds.

Easy click system

With our EasyClick system, changing attachments is as easy as a simple click. Braun’s hand blenders not only make food preparation quick and easy, they offer maximum versatility to expand your creativity as a cook with a wide range of clever attachments. Two buttons and one movement is all it takes to quickly and easily change between all of the great EasyClick accessories.

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