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  3. Creamy pea purée with salmon and sweet potato sticks

Creamy pea purée with salmon and sweet potato sticks

100 min
Kerstin Getto
lorem ipsum


Servings: 2

1 small onion, about 30 grams
1 Tbsp starch
1 tsp lemon zest
2 as needed salmon fillets, about 200 grams
2 as needed sweet potatoes
250 grams peas
30 grams butter
30 grams Parmesan
50 ml vegetable
 to taste pepper
 to taste salt
 as needed olive oil


STEP 1/7

For the pea purée, peel the onion and chop using Braun’s MQ 7 all-in-one food processor attachment and its cutter insert.

STEP 2/7

Simmer the peas and onion pieces in a pot with the vegetable stock over a low heat until the peas are soft. Season with salt and pepper.

STEP 3/7

Chop the parmesan using Braun’s chopper attachment (350 ml) and mix together with the remaining ingredients using Braun’s MQ 7 blending shaft into a creamy purée.

STEP 4/7

For the sticks, peel the sweet potatoes and chop into small sticks using Braun’s MQ 7 all-in-one food processor attachment and its cutter insert.

STEP 5/7

Place the sweet potato sticks in a bowl of water for at least one hour.

STEP 6/7

Dry the sweet potato sticks, coat them with starch and bake them in the oven at 230° C top and bottom heat until crispy, then season with salt.

STEP 7/7

In the meantime, fry the salmon fillets until crispy and serve on the purée with the sweet potato sticks.

This recipe was prepared using Braun’s MultiQuick 7 hand blender with its blending shaft, the all-in-one food processor attachment and the chopper attachment (350 ml).
  1. Back to homepage
  2. Recipes
  3. Creamy pea purée with salmon and sweet potato sticks

Creamy pea purée with salmon and sweet potato sticks

100 min
Kerstin Getto
lorem ipsum


1 small onion, about 30 grams
1 Tbsp starch
1 tsp lemon zest
2 as needed salmon fillets, about 200 grams
2 as needed sweet potatoes
250 grams peas
30 grams butter
30 grams Parmesan
50 ml vegetable
 to taste pepper
 to taste salt
 as needed olive oil


STEP 1/7

For the pea purée, peel the onion and chop using Braun’s MQ 7 all-in-one food processor attachment and its cutter insert.

STEP 2/7

Simmer the peas and onion pieces in a pot with the vegetable stock over a low heat until the peas are soft. Season with salt and pepper.

STEP 3/7

Chop the parmesan using Braun’s chopper attachment (350 ml) and mix together with the remaining ingredients using Braun’s MQ 7 blending shaft into a creamy purée.

STEP 4/7

For the sticks, peel the sweet potatoes and chop into small sticks using Braun’s MQ 7 all-in-one food processor attachment and its cutter insert.

STEP 5/7

Place the sweet potato sticks in a bowl of water for at least one hour.

STEP 6/7

Dry the sweet potato sticks, coat them with starch and bake them in the oven at 230° C top and bottom heat until crispy, then season with salt.

STEP 7/7

In the meantime, fry the salmon fillets until crispy and serve on the purée with the sweet potato sticks.

