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Vielseitige Essenszubereitung mit dem Braun MultiQuick System

Braun MultiQuick System

Entdecken Sie Produkte der Nummer 1 Marke für Stabmixer.

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Multifunktionale Kontaktgrills

Entdecke dein Multitalent: vom saftigen Steak bis zu fluffigen Pancakes.

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Mutter und Tocher backen Quieche mit dem Braun Multifunktionalem Kontaktgrill




Air Fryer

Entdecke den ultimativen Komfort.

Braun Testsieger PurShine Kaffeemaschiene.


Intuitives Design. Einladendes Aroma.

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Braun Testsieger CareStyle 7 Dampfbügeleisen.


Top-Ergebnisse schneller und einfacher.

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Mann bügelt mit Braun Dampfbügelstation

Braun Dampfbügelstationen

Jetzt alle CareStyle Dampfbügelstationen 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!*

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Braun Dampfbügeleisen

Braun Dampfbügeleisen

Jetzt ausgewählte Braun Dampfbügeleisen 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!*

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Braun Dampfglätter

Braun Dampfglätter

Jetzt alle unsere Braun Dampfglätter 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!

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Braun Testsieger PowerBlend 9, CareStyle 7 Dampfbügeleisen und PurShine Kaffeemaschiene.


So sehen Testsieger aus. Sagt auch Stiftung Warentest.

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Braun Hand blender Zubehör

Stabmixer Zubehör

Zubehör erweitert Ihre Möglichkeiten.

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Gesund essen, gesund leben

Gesundes Essen, leicht gemacht.

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5 Zeichen für perfektes Bügeln.

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Frische Karotten


Einfache Tricks zur Vermeidung von Lebensmittelverschwendung.

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Mann in schwarzem T-Shirt rasiert sich den Bartansatz am Hals.

Mehr Produkte von Braun.

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Braun Multiquick 9 hand blenders with all attachments

Braun MultiQuick System attachments

Experience the versatility. Smart and easy with one touch.

Braun MultiQuick System attachments

Most popular (3)
Maximum versatility (4)
All about cooking (4)
All about baking (3)
Show all (-)

Chopper 500 ml

Your daily helper. Quick chopping with less effort.

Chopper 500 ml
Chopper 500 ml

Best for

Chopping, blending


EasyClick +, EasyClick, EasyTwist

Chopper 350 ml

Your daily helper. Quick chopping with less effort.

Chopper 350 ml
Chopper 350 ml

Best for

Chopping, blending


EasyClick +, EasyClick, EasyTwist


Quickly and easily whips, beats and stirs.


Best for

Whisking, beating, stirring


EasyClick +, EasyClick, EasyTwist

Food processor

Chop, blend, knead, slice, dice. All in one.

Food processor
Food processor

Best for

Chopping, blending, slicing, shredding, kneading


EasyClick +, EasyClick

Mini food processor (0.5L)

Chop, ice-crushing, slicing, shredding.

Mini food processor (0.5L)
Mini food processor (0.5L)

Best for

Chopping, ice crushing, slicing, shredding


EasyClick +

SizeControl Chopper

Chopping in 3 different sizes, ice-crushing in 3 different sizes.

SizeControl Chopper
SizeControl Chopper

Best for

Chopping, ice crushing


EasyClick +

Jug blender

Chopping, blending and ice-crushing.

Jug blender
Jug blender

Best for

Chopping, blending, ice-crushing


EasyClick +, EasyClick

Coffee and spice grinder

Freshly ground coffee and spices in seconds.

Coffee and spice grinder
Coffee and spice grinder

Best for



EasyClick +, EasyClick


Effortlessly puree cooked vegetables or fruits.


Best for

Pureeing, mashing


EasyClick +, EasyClick

Chopper 350 ml

Your daily helper. Quick chopping with less effort.

Chopper 350 ml
Chopper 350 ml

Best for

Chopping, blending


EasyClick +, EasyClick, EasyTwist

Small portion shaft

Blending smaller quantities quick and easy.

Small portion shaft
Small portion shaft

Best for

Blending small quantities


EasyClick +

Double beater

Replace your traditional Hand mixer.

Double beater
Double beater

Best for

Whisking, beating, mixing batter


EasyClick +


Quickly and easily whips, beats and stirs.


Best for

Whisking, beating, stirring


EasyClick +, EasyClick, EasyTwist

Food processor

Chop, blend, knead, slice, dice. All in one.

Food processor
Food processor

Best for

Chopping, blending, slicing, shredding, kneading


EasyClick +, EasyClick

Chopper 500 ml

Your daily helper. Quick chopping with less effort.

Chopper 500 ml
Chopper 500 ml

Best for

Chopping, blending


EasyClick +, EasyClick, EasyTwist

Chopper 350 ml

Your daily helper. Quick chopping with less effort.

Chopper 350 ml
Chopper 350 ml

Best for

Chopping, blending


EasyClick +, EasyClick, EasyTwist


Quickly and easily whips, beats and stirs.


Best for

Whisking, beating, stirring


EasyClick +, EasyClick, EasyTwist

Food processor

Chop, blend, knead, slice, dice. All in one.

Food processor
Food processor

Best for

Chopping, blending, slicing, shredding, kneading


EasyClick +, EasyClick

Mini food processor (0.5L)

Chop, ice-crushing, slicing, shredding.

Mini food processor (0.5L)
Mini food processor (0.5L)

Best for

Chopping, ice crushing, slicing, shredding


EasyClick +

SizeControl Chopper

Chopping in 3 different sizes, ice-crushing in 3 different sizes.

SizeControl Chopper
SizeControl Chopper

Best for

Chopping, ice crushing


EasyClick +

Jug blender

Chopping, blending and ice-crushing.

Jug blender
Jug blender

Best for

Chopping, blending, ice-crushing


EasyClick +, EasyClick

Coffee and spice grinder

Freshly ground coffee and spices in seconds.

Coffee and spice grinder
Coffee and spice grinder

Best for



EasyClick +, EasyClick


Effortlessly puree cooked vegetables or fruits.


Best for

Pureeing, mashing


EasyClick +, EasyClick

Small portion shaft

Blending smaller quantities quick and easy.

Small portion shaft
Small portion shaft

Best for

Blending small quantities


EasyClick +

Double beater

Replace your traditional Hand mixer.

Double beater
Double beater

Best for

Whisking, beating, mixing batter


EasyClick +

Do it all.
World's largest attachment system¹, for unlimited versatility.
Blending Shaft Recipe Media

Der einfache Weg zu cremigen Ergebnissen.
Dank der weltweit ersten ActiveBlade-Technologie kannst Du selbst die härtesten Lebensmittel pürieren.

2 dishes from above with dip and soup

Geeignet für das Mixen kleiner Portionen. Wie z. B. von Mayonnaise, Babynahrung, Salatdressing oder leckere Dips.

Blender Recipe Media

Zerkleinern, Mixen und Eis crushen.
Perfekt zum Mixen von Shakes und Getränken oder zum einfachen Crushen von Eis.

Chopper Recipe Media

Zerkleinerer 500 ml und 350 ml
Hackt und zerkleinert alles in Sekundenschnelle. Käse, Nüsse, Kräuter – Deine Wahl.

Picture of Pico de Gallo

Chop hard foods in 3 different textures: Fine, medium and coarse.

Recipe photo

Schneiden, raspeln, hacken oder mixe deine eigenen köstlichen Dips.

Double Beater Recipe Media

Schlage einfach auf!
Ersetze Deinen herkömmlichen Handmixer durch diesen cleveren neuen MultiQuick Aufsatz.

Food Processor Recipe Media

Der ultimative Alles-in-Einem-Aufsatz.
Hacken, mixen, kneten, schneiden, raspeln, würfeln – alles in einer 2 Liter Schüssel.

Puree Recipe Media

Kartoffelpüree & andere Pürees
Bequemes und schnelle zubereiten von Kartoffel- und Gemüsepürees.

Spice Grinder Recipe Media

Frisch gemahlene Gewürze -.
Mahle Deine Kaffeebohnen und Gewürze innerhalb von Sekunden.

Whisk Recipe Media

Auflockern. Sahne schlagen,
Eier schlagen, Kuchenteig mischen oder Sauce Hollandaise rühren.

Top Blending Shaft Media Motorunit of  Braun MultiQuick 5 Hand blender Top Blender Media Top Chopper Media Braun SizeControl Chopper bottom Braun Mini food processor Top Double Beater Media Top Food Processor Media Top Puree Media Top Spice Grinder Media Top Whisk Media
Middle Blending Shaft Media Part of small portion shaft Middle Blender Media Middle Chopper Media Tip of Braun MultiQuick 9 Motor Unit Braun Mini food processor motor Middle Double Beater Media Middle Food Processor Media Middle Puree Media Middle Spice Grinder Media Middle Whisk Media
Bottom Blending Shaft Media Part of small portion shaft Bottom Blender Media Bottom Chopper Media Transition between Braun Mq 9 Hand blender motor unit and the SizeControl chopper Transition between Braun Mq 9 Hand blender motor unit and the Mini food processor Bottom Double Beater Media Bottom Food Processor Media Bottom Puree Media Bottom Spice Grinder Media Bottom Whisk Media

Expand your creativity.

Push your boundaries of your culinary skills with our wide collection of MultiQuick attachments.

Which attachments fit my hand blender?

EasyClick System Plus.

Attachments with this icon fit all current MultiQuick 9 and MultiQuick 7 models.

Braun Hand blender with  EasyClick + system

EasyClick System.

Attachments with this icon fit all current MultiQuick 5 Vario, MultiQuick 5, MultiQuick 3 Vario and MultiQuick 3 models.

Braun Hand blender EasyClick accessories.

EasyTwist System.

Attachments with this icon fit all current MultiQuick 2 and MultiQuick 1 models.

Braun Hand blender EasyTwist System accessories.

Did you know... to rescue a salty soup?

SOS - Salt Overloaded Soup? This trick comes to the rescue. Next time the salt shaker slips, don't throw the soup away just yet. Add some apple slices and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. This way the flavour will get back to normal. Did you know that?

Soup with salt on top in a bowl with apple slices aside

Die neuesten MultiQuick System Produkte.

MultiQuick 9

Die leistungsfähigsten und stärksten Produkte von Braun.

Braun MultiQuick 7 Stabmixer

Schneller und stärker. Für Gerichte, die Sie lieben.

Braun MultiQuick 7 hand blender

¹Comparative analysis on number of hand blenders accessories marketed by competitors - year 2022.
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