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Perfectly grilled meat with Braun Multifunctional Contact Grills
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Multifunctional contact grill

All in one. Perfectly grilled meat and much more.

Grills multifonction Braun

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MultiGrill 9 Pro

Le meilleur des performances Braun.

MultiGrill 9 Pro
MultiGrill 9 Pro

3 positions de chauffe en 1

Un maximum de possibilités grâce à la position contact, ouverte ou four.


Jusqu'à 3 jeux de plaques moulées sous pression : gril, plancha et gaufre.


2200 W

Fonction saisie - SEAR

Une température de 265°C, idéale pour saisir l’extérieur de la viande en début de cuisson et pour la garder tendre et juteuse à l’intérieur.

Sonde thermique

Pour obtenir la cuisson souhaitée avec précision, de bleu à bien cuit.

3 programmes de cuisson pré-enregistrés

Hamburgers, panini et maintien au chaud.

MultiGrill 9

Des performances améliorées pour une cuisson parfaite.

MultiGrill 9
MultiGrill 9

3 positions de chauffe en 1

Un maximum de possibilités grâce à la position contact, ouverte ou four.


Jusqu'à 3 jeux de plaques moulées sous pression : gril, plancha et gaufre.


2000 W

Fonction saisie - SEAR

Une température de 265°C, idéale pour saisir l’extérieur de la viande en début de cuisson et pour la garder tendre et juteuse à l’intérieur.

MultiGrill 7

De superbes grillades.

MultiGrill 7
MultiGrill 7

Cooking positions

Three positions for every need: Contact, oven and open.


Up to three sets of die-cast plates - grill, griddle and waffle.


2.000 W

MultiGrill 9 Pro

Grill with up to 250° C and integrated thermoprobe.

MultiGrill 9 Pro
MultiGrill 9 Pro

Cooking positions

Three positions for every need: Contact, oven and open.


Up to three sets of die-cast plates - grill, griddle and waffle.


2.200 W

Sear function

For tender, juicy meats and a crispy outside.


Electronic thermoprobe for absoulte precision and meat done to your preference.

Automatic programs

Cooking programs for Burgers, Paninis and keeping food warm.

MultiGrill 9

Grill with up to 230° C.

MultiGrill 9
MultiGrill 9

Cooking positions

Three positions for every need: Contact, oven and open.


Up to three sets of die-cast plates - grill, griddle and waffle.


2.000 W

Sear function

For tender, juicy meats and a crispy outside.

MultiGrill 7

Grill with up to 230° C on a 29x23 cm surface.

MultiGrill 7
MultiGrill 7

Cooking positions

Three positions for every need: Contact, oven and open.


Up to three sets of die-cast plates - grill, griddle and waffle.


2.000 W

Braun Multifunctional contact grill good for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

All in One. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

The Braun MultiGrill range can do it all - anytime and all-year round. Unleash your creativity in the kitchen with three new series: MultiGrill 9 Pro, MultiGrill 9, and MultiGrill 7. Enjoy the unlimited versatility that the smart combination of three types of high-performance plates and three flexible cooking positions give you.
Braun Multifunctional contact grill makes you choose from three types of plates.

Enjoy the versatility and choose from three types of plates.

The ribbed grill plate for succulent steaks and roasted vegetables, juicy hamburgers, toasted sandwiches and - why not - even fruits. Use the ribbed grill plate for delicious pancakes, eggs or delicate fish. And if fluffy home-made waffles are your thing, you'll love the high rim waffle plates. All Braun MultiGrill plates feature premium non- stick coating, so there's no need to add extra oil.
Embedded heating elements for faster heating

Embedded heating elements for faster heating.

No need to stay hungry for longer, thanks to the die cast plates with embedded heating elements in all MultiGrill models. Heating cables are incorporated directly into the plates for faster and more consistent heating. Two independent thermostats let you precisely regulate the temperature of each plate separately so you can simultaneously cook two types of food at different temperatures.

All that versatility is backed up by outstanding performance.

So if you're looking to flex your cooking skills, the MultiGrill range is the perfect high- performance partner with lots of features and up to 2200 watt of power.

Braun Multifunctional Contact Grill- Grease Tray

Grease tray

Enjoy healthy, low-fat grilling without messing up your kitchen. The integrated grease tray drains excess oil as you cook, helping you create healthier meals. The sloped and tilting construction of the plates allows any excess oil to flow into the grease tray instead of your food.
Braun Multifunctional contact grill-Dishwasher- safe removable parts

Dishwasher- safe removable parts

Say goodbye to complicated clean-ups. Thanks to the removable, non-stick plates and grease tray - cleaning is nice and easy. Despite being equipped with high-performance embedded heating elements, the grill, griddle and waffle plates are all dishwasher-safe, the grease tray as well.
Braun Multifunctional contact grill with Sear Function

Sear Function

Both the MultiGrill 9 and MultiGrill 9 Pro feature the automated sear function. Press the sear button for an extra boost of power, sending the grill to 265°C for a few minutes to form a rich brown crust that amplifies the savoury flavour of your favourite thick meats. After searing, the appliance regulates the plates back to the temperature originally set.

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