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Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender - Braun‘s most powerful and best performing.
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MultiQuick 9

Einer für alles. Unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten mit Braun’s leistungsstärkstem Kraftpaket.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender

MultiQuick 9 Systems.

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MultiQuick 9 Hand blender MQ 9187XLI

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MultiQuick 9 Hand blender MQ 9135XI

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MultiQuick 9 Hand blender MQ 9138XI


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Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with ground-breaking technology

Experience unlimited versatility thanks to the world's largest attachment system.*

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Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with ground-breaking technology
Unleash your creativity in the kitchen.

Create amazing dishes with up to 17 innovative attachments. Blend, chop, slice, grate, knead, whisk, grind, dice and mash. All this and more.

Active PowerDrive Technology.

Equipped with a highly efficient 1200-watt motor that results in up to 60% faster performance.* Lets you turn the toughest ingredients into the most delicious creations. (*vs. MQ100 on carrot juice)

SmartSpeed Technology.

Speed settings are not predefined, therefore you can select all speeds intuitively and receive the result you want - with the simple squeeze of one button.

ActiveBlade Technology.

The Blade moves up and down to effortlessly chop nuts, coconut, ginger, dark chocolate or any other hard-to-cut ingredients.

EasyClick+ Technology.

Switch attachments quickly and easily. With this technology, the most versatile handheld device on the market combines numerous kitchen appliances into one innovative solution.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with a high-performance 1200-watt motor and ActiveBlade Technology

The best just got better.

Braun’s best performing and most powerful now features a high-performance 1200-watt motor and ActiveBlade Technology that lets you easily turn the toughest ingredients into the most delicious creations. The new MultiQuick 9 is equipped with a wide range of new, cutting edge technologies and is introducing even more great attachments.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender pushes the boundaries of your culinary skills.

Push the boundaries of your culinary skills.

The MultiQuick 9 reinvents your cooking: Now you can do more than you could ever before, even faster than before. If you cook for yourself, your friends or your family - the MultiQuick 9 is the handy appliance to enhance your creativity in the kitchen.

Lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität in der Küche freien Lauf.

Kreieren Sie fantastische Gerichte mit bis zu 17 innovativen Aufsätzen. Mischen, Hacken, In Scheiben schneiden, Reiben, Kneten, Verquirlen, Mahlen, Würfeln und Pürieren. All das und vieles mehr.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with stainless steel blending shaft


Das schnelle Werkzeug für großartige, cremige Ergebnisse.

Der Braun MultiQuick 9 Pürierstab mit der einzigartigen ActiveBlade Technologie ist in der Lage, die härtesten Lebensmittel ohne Anstrengung zu pürieren. Kochen macht noch mehr Spaß, wenn Sie jede schwer zu schneidende Zutat einfach zerkleinern, den perfekten Smoothie für Ihr Frühstück mischen oder die cremigste Suppe für das Abendessen zubereiten können - und das alles in nur wenigen Sekunden.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with chopper attachement


Zerkleinerer, 500ml und 350ml

Macht die großen Aufgaben einfacher denn je - hackt und zerkleinert alles in nur wenigen Sekunden. Egal, ob es sich um Zwiebeln handelt, um Fleisch, Hartkäse, Nüsse.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with dicer


Add colour and flavour to all your dishes.

Enjoy a fast and colourful food preparation with the clever new dicer attachment. It lets you dice your favourite fresh fruits and vegetables into perfect little 9 mm squares in just seconds.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with Jug Blender attachment

Jug Blender

Chopping, blending and ice-crushing.

This accessory does the job of two - besides quickly and easily chopping your cooking ingredients, it is also perfect for blending smooth shakes and drinks or even offers a simple way to crush ice.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with Masher attachment


Mashing & puréeing.

The masher is the ideal kitchen aid for a convenient and fast preparation of perfect mashed potatoes – even mashing and puréeing cooked vegetables into a creamy, smooth consistency is just so simple.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with food processor attachment

Food processor

The ultimate all-in-one attachment that can do it all.

It chops, slices, shreds, kneads and cuts into julienne and French fry shapes. Now featuring an even bigger XL Food processor with a 3.2 l bowl, with a new kneading hook for better performing results. Moreover, thanks to our splash guard, all food contact parts are dish washer safe with less effort to clean.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with whisk attachment


Whipping, beating or stirring.

You’ve never seen faster results for whipping cream, beating eggs, mixing cakes or stirring Hollandaise sauce, as well as making instant and homemade desserts.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with grinder attachment


Grind your coffee beans and spices within seconds.

Grind coffee beans to fresh perfection or add a little more zest to your next meal with your own homemade spice mixtures using things like peppercorns, cinnamon sticks or dried chillies. The stainless steel bowl doesn’t pick up odours, so you can grind curry at night and your coffee in the morning - without having to worry about tasting one with the other.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with imode Technology

More precise results at the push of a button thanks to imode Technology.

3 speed mode concentrates blending power into practical power zones. Low speed mode limits the speed range, for soft ingredients. Whereas, in high – the full speed range of power is available for the hardest ingredients. And Pulse automatically delivers evenly cut ingredients without smashing.
Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with SmartSpeed Technology

Follow your intuition with SmartSpeed Technology.

The MultiQuick 9 reinvents your cooking: Now you can do more than you could ever before, even faster than before. If you cook for yourself, your friends or your family - the MultiQuick 9 is the handy appliance to enhance your creativity in the kitchen.

Effortlessly tackle the most challenging jobs.

Experience the groundbreaking technology for 40% less effort on the hardest foods compared to Braun hand blenders with non ActiveBlade shaft.


More innovations. More power.

Whatever your needs – no task is too great for the powerful MultiQuick 9.

Active PowerDrive

Braun’s most powerful and best performing is equipped with a highly efficient 1200-watt motor that results in up to 60% faster performance* and lets you turn the toughest ingredients into the most delicious creations. (*vs. MQ100 on carrot juice)

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with Active PowerDrive

ActiveBlade with PowerBell Plus

The Blade moves up and down to effortlessly chop hard-to-cut ingredients. Additionally the innovative extra milling blade delivers more cutting per rotation. Process large pieces of food with more comfort and less effort than ever before.​​​​​​​

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with ActiveBlade with PowerBell Plus


Thanks to its EasyClick+ feature, the MultiQuick System lets you switch attachments quickly and easily. With this technology, the most versatile handheld device on the market combines numerous kitchen appliances into one innovative solution.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with EasyClick+


Keep you and your kitchen spotless. A standard for every Braun hand blender. It prevents splashing and delivers the best blending results with no mess.

Braun MultiQuick 9X Hand blender with SplashControl.

German design blended with intuitive use.

For Braun, design is so much more than making things look good. It is designing tools in a way that they can be used more easily, intuitively and with better results. Day after day, for years to come. 
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Braun MultiQuick 7 Hand blender

Easier than ever: One button, all speeds.

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