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MultiGrill 9 Pro
A melhor performance da Braun. Para resultados profissionais.
Air fryers
Descubra a máxima comodidade.
Breakfast Series 1
Exatamente o que precisa. Comece o seu dia da melhor forma.
Ferros com caldeira
Poupe 50% do tempo para aquilo que realmente importa.*
Coma bem, viva bem
Alimentação saudável tornada fácil.
Coleção de receitas
Receitas fáceis e divertidas com a Braun.
Função de Higienização
Mata mais de 99.99% dos vírus e bactérias¹.
Descubra a gama Braun de aparadores de cabelo, barba e produtos de cuidado pessoal.
Easily toast hot sandwiches without a mess.
With the special anti-leakage sandwich cage - exclusive to Braun - you can easily toast a delicious hot sandwich with no risk of ingredients melting into the toaster body.
Enjoy your toast just the way you like it.
13 browning settings let you customize your results to perfection.
Toast your bagel to perfection, indside and out.
Select the bagel function to perfectly toast the inside of cut bagels, while the outer side is only slightly warmed and stays nice and soft.
Buns? No problem!
Warm or toast certain breads and pastries thanks to the removable bun warmer attachment.
Bring out the full flavour of every type of tea.
Bring out the full flavour of your favourite teas with temperature control customization by making use of the 5 temperature settings.
Fill the kettle directly from the tap.
Convenient Double-Filling System to fill water from the wide spout or by opening the flip lid.
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