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Braun MultiQuick 5 Vario hand blender

Braun MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender

Full power. Full control.

Choose the setup which fits you best:

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5277 BK

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5007 Purée White

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5020 Pasta White

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5000 Soup White

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5035 Sauce White

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5037 Sauce + White

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5077 Buffet + White

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5245 WH

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5207 WH

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5220 WH

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5200 WH

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5237 BK

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5237 WH

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5235 BK

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MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5235 WH

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Höchste Präzision für perfekte Leistungskontrolle

21 Geschwindigkeitsstufen
Variable Geschwindigkeitsregelung am Drehrad – einfach mit nur einem Daumen und ohne Unterbrechungen des Pürierens.

Die einzigartige Braun PowerBell-Technologie

Für perfekte Pürierergebnisse: Die Kraft von PowerBell beruht auf dem Zusammenspiel der extrem harten Edelstahl-Messerklingen mit dem einzigartigen glockenförmigen Mixfuß. Extrem harte Edelstahl-Messerklingen mit entgegengesetzt angewinkelter Ausrichtung sorgen für optimale Pürierergebnisse und reduzieren die Sogwirkung. Die florale Glockenform führt die Zutaten zurück zu den Klingen und sorgt so für schnellere Ergebnisse. 6 Wellen sorgen für einen optimalen Fluss zu den Messerklingen, verhindern das Spritzen und ermöglichen, dass auch größere Zutaten gleichmäßig und von allen Seiten verarbeitet werden. Zusammen sorgen sie für perfekte Ergebnisse und eine saubere Küche. 

Nicht spritzen. Benutzen Sie Braun.

Perfekte Kochergebnisse nahezu ohne Spritzer. Der weltweit erste PowerBell Mixfuß sorgt mit der SplashControl Technologie für sauberes Arbeiten und beste Püriergebnisse. Für mehr Freude am Kochen.

Change attachments with an easy click.

Expand your cooking possibilities further than ever before with our EasyClick system: the shaft is easily detachable; a variety of compatible EasyClick accessories can easily be attached with a simple click.

Your creativity deserves all the right tools.

More than just a hand blender – discover the ultimate all-in-one cooking: fast and easy with a world of added options. Cooking is never boring with this kitchen helper – the attachments not only make food preparation quick and easy, they offer maximum versatility to expand your range and creativity as a cook.

A handful of power.

We take care of the performance, you take care of the cooking: Braun’s most powerful highly efficient 1000W motor allows you to expand your creativity in the kitchen without limits. Blending, chopping or smoothing become simple and quickly executable tasks which make cooking even more fun. It’s (literally) in your hands.


All-in-one food processor

The jack of all trades.

Your all-in-one solution for every situation - The food processor attachment masters all disciplines: chopping and blending as well as slicing, shredding and exceptionally kneading. Unleash your creativity in the kitchen, no matter if you are looking forward to make delicious pastries or all kinds of fresh salads. So feel free to try out new dishes and save time simultaneously.

Big & small chopper

Get to the chopper.

Forget your old habits and say goodbye to smelly hands while chopping onions for instance. The chopper attachment makes preparation faster and easier than ever before. Hard cheeses, nuts and vegetables are just seconds away from being ready-to-use. The chopper comes in two variants (small and big) depending on the job.

Whisk attachment

Whip it, whip it real good.

Everything goes fast and easy with our stainless steel whisk attachment. From whipping cream, to beating eggs, mixing cakes or stirring all kinds of sauces; the results will be remarkable.

2 in 1 chopper & jug blender

Chopping or blending? Why not both.

Next to easily preparing your ingredients the chopper/blender attachment is able to blend your healthy smoothies in the morning or crush ice for some refreshing welcome drinks when your friends and family come over. Get the most out of your hand blender and unleash your creativity.

French fry disc

Fry-day whenever you like.

For all you french fries lovers out there, we included a disc for our food processor which cuts fruits and vegetables within seconds. That’s what we call “fast food”.

Purée accessory

Mmmmh, so smooth.

Who could ever resist a well made chickpea purée? This smart purée accessory allows you to mash and blend cooked vegetables to a smoothness of your liking while keeping all the taste you love.

Nettoyage ultra-facile.

Les accessoires se retirent facilement et peuvent être lavés sans problème au lave-vaisselle ou à la main. * Consulter les instructions

La qualité allemande pour votre façon unique de cuisiner.

Chez Braun, le design est bien plus qu’une simple histoire d’apparence. Nos appareils sont conçus pour faire appel à votre créativité et à votre intuition, pour obtenir les résultats parfaits que vous attendez. Jour après jour, et pour des années à venir.
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Mixeur plongeant Multiquick 7 de Braun

Plus facile que jamais : Un bouton, toutes les vitesses.

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