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Braun MultiMix 5 Hand mixer

Braun MultiMix 5 Handmixer

Für bis zu 40% weniger Kraftaufwand beim Mixen.*

*Mischen von Kuchenteig, interner Test Braun gegen führende Konkurrenten.

Braun Handmixer

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Essential and practical (3)
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MultiMix 5

50% mehr Leistung¹ für mehr Kreativität.

MultiMix 5
MultiMix 5

Flexibler Kabelausgang

Hält das Kabel beim Mixen von der Hand fern.

SmartMix Technologie

Durch die vertikale Ausrichtung des Motors direkt über den Zubehörteilen wird das Gewicht des Handmixers direkt in die Schüssel verlagert und entlastet Ihre Hand. Für bis zu 40 % weniger Kraftaufwand beim Mixen*.
* Kuchenteig rühren, interner Test von Braun gegen führende Mitbewerber.

ComfortClick System

Kompatibel mit bis zu vier Aufsätzen.

Ergonomischer Softgriff plus

Optimierte Ergonomie mit Soft-Touch-Gummioberflächen für besseren Halt und mehr Kontrolle in jeder Mischsituation.


750 W


Neun variable Einstellungen + Turbomodus

MultiMix 5

50% mehr Leistung¹ für mehr Kreativität.

MultiMix 5
MultiMix 5

Flexibler Kabelausgang

Hält das Kabel beim Mixen von der Hand fern.

SmartMix Technologie

Durch die vertikale Ausrichtung des Motors direkt über den Zubehörteilen wird das Gewicht des Handmixers direkt in die Schüssel verlagert und entlastet Ihre Hand. Für bis zu 40 % weniger Kraftaufwand beim Mixen*.
* Kuchenteig rühren, interner Test von Braun gegen führende Mitbewerber.

ComfortClick System

Kompatibel mit bis zu vier Aufsätzen.

Ergonomischer Softgriff plus

Optimierte Ergonomie mit Soft-Touch-Gummioberflächen für besseren Halt und mehr Kontrolle in jeder Mischsituation.


750 W


Neun variable Einstellungen + Turbomodus

MultiMix 3

Für bis zu 40% weniger Kraftaufwand beim Mixen².

MultiMix 3
MultiMix 3

SmartMix Technologie

Durch die vertikale Ausrichtung des Motors direkt über den Zubehörteilen wird das Gewicht des Handmixers direkt in die Schüssel verlagert und entlastet Ihre Hand. Für bis zu 40 % weniger Kraftaufwand beim Mixen*.
* Kuchenteig rühren, interner Test von Braun gegen führende Mitbewerber.


500 W

Flexibler Kabelausgang

Hält das Kabel beim Mixen von der Hand fern.

Weicher Griff

Rutschfester Griff für sicheren Halt auch bei höchster Geschwindigkeit.

ComfortClick System

Kompatibel mit bis zu vier Aufsätzen.


Fünf variable Einstellungen + Turbomodus

MultiMix 2

Light and easy baking.

MultiMix 2
MultiMix 2

Extra lightweight

Up to 20% lighter than AC motored hand mixers³ makes mixing so much easier.

Silent motor

Less noise, less stress but powerful.

Slow-start technology

for a spotless countertop.


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.


500 W.

MultiMix 1

Fast and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

Easy one hand operation


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

The convenient cable wrap concept makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.


450 W.

MultiMix 1

2 in 1 for flexible and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

2 in 1 hand & stand mixer

Let the stand mixer do all the work for you or enjoy the lightness of control and mix with the hand mixer.

Automatic driven

Automatic drive for hands-free operation and effortless mixing & kneading.


4 + turbo mode


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

Makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.



MultiMix 2

Light and easy baking.

MultiMix 2
MultiMix 2

Extra lightweight

Up to 20% lighter than AC motored hand mixers³ makes mixing so much easier.

Silent motor

Less noise, less stress but powerful.

Slow-start technology

for a spotless countertop.


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.


500 W.

MultiMix 1

Fast and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

Easy one hand operation


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

The convenient cable wrap concept makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.


450 W.

MultiMix 5

50% mehr Leistung¹ für mehr Kreativität.

MultiMix 5
MultiMix 5

Flexibler Kabelausgang

Hält das Kabel beim Mixen von der Hand fern.

SmartMix Technologie

Durch die vertikale Ausrichtung des Motors direkt über den Zubehörteilen wird das Gewicht des Handmixers direkt in die Schüssel verlagert und entlastet Ihre Hand. Für bis zu 40 % weniger Kraftaufwand beim Mixen*.
* Kuchenteig rühren, interner Test von Braun gegen führende Mitbewerber.

ComfortClick System

Kompatibel mit bis zu vier Aufsätzen.

Ergonomischer Softgriff plus

Optimierte Ergonomie mit Soft-Touch-Gummioberflächen für besseren Halt und mehr Kontrolle in jeder Mischsituation.


750 W


Neun variable Einstellungen + Turbomodus

MultiMix 3

Für bis zu 40% weniger Kraftaufwand beim Mixen².

MultiMix 3
MultiMix 3

SmartMix Technologie

Durch die vertikale Ausrichtung des Motors direkt über den Zubehörteilen wird das Gewicht des Handmixers direkt in die Schüssel verlagert und entlastet Ihre Hand. Für bis zu 40 % weniger Kraftaufwand beim Mixen*.
* Kuchenteig rühren, interner Test von Braun gegen führende Mitbewerber.


500 W

Flexibler Kabelausgang

Hält das Kabel beim Mixen von der Hand fern.

Weicher Griff

Rutschfester Griff für sicheren Halt auch bei höchster Geschwindigkeit.

ComfortClick System

Kompatibel mit bis zu vier Aufsätzen.


Fünf variable Einstellungen + Turbomodus

MultiMix 2

Light and easy baking.

MultiMix 2
MultiMix 2

Extra lightweight

Up to 20% lighter than AC motored hand mixers³ makes mixing so much easier.

Silent motor

Less noise, less stress but powerful.

Slow-start technology

for a spotless countertop.


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.


500 W.

MultiMix 1

Fast and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

Easy one hand operation


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

The convenient cable wrap concept makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.


450 W.

MultiMix 1

2 in 1 for flexible and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

2 in 1 hand & stand mixer

Let the stand mixer do all the work for you or enjoy the lightness of control and mix with the hand mixer.

Automatic driven

Automatic drive for hands-free operation and effortless mixing & kneading.


4 + turbo mode


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

Makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.



Mehr entdecken

MultiQuick 7

Ersetzen Sie Ihren traditionellen Hand Mixer durch dieses neue MultiQuick Zubehör.

Braun MultiQuick 7

Braun MultiMix 5 hand mixer

Wenig Kraftaufwand beim Mixen.

Braun MultiMix 5 Hand mixer  - Less effort while mixing.

¹ compared to MultiMix 3
² Mixing cake batter, internal test Braun vs. leading competitors
³ Internal tests of Braun's  DC motor unit vs. Leading competitors with AC motors - year 2022

Braun Hand mixers

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Optimum value (2)
Essential and practical (3)
Newest products (2)
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MultiMix 5

50% more power¹ for effortless baking creativity.

MultiMix 5
MultiMix 5

SmartMix Technology

Places the weight in the bowl, not your hands.


9 variable settings + turbo mode

ComfortClick System

Compatible with up to 5 attachments.

Ergonomic soft grip plus

Optimized ergonomics with soft-touch rubber surfaces for better grip and more control in every mixing situation.

Flexi cord outlet

Keeps the cord away from your hand while mixing.


Up to 750 W

MultiMix 5

50% more power¹ for effortless baking creativity.

MultiMix 5
MultiMix 5

SmartMix Technology

Places the weight in the bowl, not your hands.


9 variable settings + turbo mode

ComfortClick System

Compatible with up to 5 attachments.

Ergonomic soft grip plus

Optimized ergonomics with soft-touch rubber surfaces for better grip and more control in every mixing situation.

Flexi cord outlet

Keeps the cord away from your hand while mixing.


Up to 750 W

MultiMix 3

For up to 40% less effort while mixing².

MultiMix 3
MultiMix 3

SmartMix Technology

Places the weight in the bowl, not your hands.


5 variable settings + turbo mode

ComfortClick System

Compatible with up to 5 attachments.

Soft grip

Non-slip handle ensures a secure grip even at the highest speed.

Flexi cord outlet

Keeps the cord away from your hand while mixing.


Up to 500 W

MultiMix 2

Light and easy baking.

MultiMix 2
MultiMix 2

Extra lightweight

Up to 20% lighter than AC motored hand mixers³ makes mixing so much easier.

Silent motor

Less noise, less stress but powerful.

Slow-start technology

for a spotless countertop.


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.


500 W.

MultiMix 1

Fast and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

Easy one hand operation


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

The convenient cable wrap concept makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.


450 W.

MultiMix 1

2 in 1 for flexible and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

2 in 1 hand & stand mixer

Let the stand mixer do all the work for you or enjoy the lightness of control and mix with the hand mixer.

Automatic driven

Automatic drive for hands-free operation and effortless mixing & kneading.


4 + turbo mode


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

Makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.



MultiMix 2

Light and easy baking.

MultiMix 2
MultiMix 2

Extra lightweight

Up to 20% lighter than AC motored hand mixers³ makes mixing so much easier.

Silent motor

Less noise, less stress but powerful.

Slow-start technology

for a spotless countertop.


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.


500 W.

MultiMix 1

Fast and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

Easy one hand operation


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

The convenient cable wrap concept makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.


450 W.

MultiMix 5

50% more power¹ for effortless baking creativity.

MultiMix 5
MultiMix 5

SmartMix Technology

Places the weight in the bowl, not your hands.


9 variable settings + turbo mode

ComfortClick System

Compatible with up to 5 attachments.

Ergonomic soft grip plus

Optimized ergonomics with soft-touch rubber surfaces for better grip and more control in every mixing situation.

Flexi cord outlet

Keeps the cord away from your hand while mixing.


Up to 750 W

MultiMix 3

For up to 40% less effort while mixing².

MultiMix 3
MultiMix 3

SmartMix Technology

Places the weight in the bowl, not your hands.


5 variable settings + turbo mode

ComfortClick System

Compatible with up to 5 attachments.

Soft grip

Non-slip handle ensures a secure grip even at the highest speed.

Flexi cord outlet

Keeps the cord away from your hand while mixing.


Up to 500 W

MultiMix 2

Light and easy baking.

MultiMix 2
MultiMix 2

Extra lightweight

Up to 20% lighter than AC motored hand mixers³ makes mixing so much easier.

Silent motor

Less noise, less stress but powerful.

Slow-start technology

for a spotless countertop.


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.


500 W.

MultiMix 1

Fast and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

Easy one hand operation


4 + turbo mode.


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

The convenient cable wrap concept makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.


450 W.

MultiMix 1

2 in 1 for flexible and easy baking.

MultiMix 1
MultiMix 1

2 in 1 hand & stand mixer

Let the stand mixer do all the work for you or enjoy the lightness of control and mix with the hand mixer.

Automatic driven

Automatic drive for hands-free operation and effortless mixing & kneading.


4 + turbo mode


Conveniently switch accessories with one press of the large button.

Cord wrap for easy storage

Makes storage easier with an ingenious notch that stops the wrapped cord from slipping off.



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