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Die neue CareStyle 1 liefert schnelle und einfache Bügelergebnisse im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Dampfbügeleisen. Die neue SuperCeramic Beschichtung sorgt für sanftes Gleiten und ist 60 % haltbarer als die bisherige Keramik-Bügelsohle von Braun. Darüber hinaus können Sie mit einer einfachen Drehung des Präzisionsthermostatknopfes die Vorteile von vier einstellbaren Modi nutzen. Der große Wassertank mit 1,5 Litern Fassungsvermögen sorgt dafür, dass Sie mehr als eine Stunde ununterbrochen bügeln und mit weniger Aufwand großartige Ergebnisse erzielen können.
According to internal laboratory tests, compared to Braun TexStyle 5.
Produce more than twice as much steam as normal steam irons*, which helps cut your ironing time in half. Steam rate is 100% higher so you only have to go over a spot once.* Internal laboratory test, compared to Braun TexStyle 5.
Gentle and easy ironing
4 high precision settings: level 1 (•) Synthetics level 2 (••) Wool,silk,polyester level 3 (•••) Cotton, linen level 4 (Max)
6 bar pump pressure
Higher pump pressure helps the fine steam to completely permeate the fabric, so that ironing is ultra-easy. Even the most stubborn creases are smooth in a flash thanks to the additional steam shot.
Heavy steam output makes the steam generator iron a more powerful and easy way to keep all of your garments wrinkle-free.
Fast and easy touch-ups without an ironing board. Thanks to its high steam pressure, the iron can be used like a vertical steamer for quick refreshing of slightly wrinkled clothes.
Engineered for maximum convenience and easy storage.
Protects your steam generator, prolonging its lifespan, for long lasting performance.
Easy lock feature to carry and store the iron easily. Simply park the iron and push the slider to lock.
Designed to make the ironing experience even more enjoyable and relaxing.
No more getting caught on buttons and pockets.
For >1 hour non-stop ironing.
Protects your clothes from water stains and leakage during ironing even at low temperatures.