Allows coffee to release its full aroma for a great coffee taste.
Customize the flavor intensity of your coffee: strong, regular or mild.
Uživajte v popolni skodelici kave, ne glede na količino skuhane kave. Preprosto pritisnite gumb za 1-4 skodelice, da zagotovite optimalno temperaturo in aromo tudi pri manjših skodelicah kave.
Fill in water with the carafe or directly into the removable water tank.
Thanks to the drip-stop feature you can pour a cup of coffee anytime during the brewing cycle.
Vsak Braunov kavni aparat ima sistem OptiBrewSystem, ki zagotavlja izjemen okus in aromo kave. Ta Braunova tehnologija za kavo omogoča najboljši okus z optimiziranjem temperature, časa kuhanja in ekstrakcije. Vedno znova uživajte v popolnoma uravnoteženi skodelici kave.
Maintaining great coffee aroma is easy and carefree thanks to Braun's descaling warning and special cleaning program for longer lifetime.Enjoy your perfect coffee taste-time after time
Dit koffiezetapparaat heeft de beste kwaliteit volgens de test van de Consumentenbond in januari 2024.