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Le meilleur des performances Braun, pour une cuisson parfaite et un résultat professionnel.
Découvrez la facilité ultime.
Transformez les fruits en jus frais vitaminés.
Centrale vapeur
Repassez sans effort.
Recettes mixeur plongeant
Laissez vous inspirer.
Mangez sainement, vivez pleinement
Mangez sainement en toute simplicité
Découvrez les autres familles de produits Braun.
Hand blenders
Perfect blending results.
Hand mixers
Bring out the joy of cooking and baking.
Jug blenders
Blend sauces, icy drinks & more.
Citrus juicers
Simple, easy and handy.
Spin juicers
Make the most out of your fruits.
Steam irons
Flawless ironing quick & easy.
Steam generator irons
Top results faster & easier.
PowerBlend 9
Costumizable textures and high performance blending.
Braun MultiQuick systems
Experience the versatility.
Braun’s new CareStyle Compact Pro
Discover a range of clever innovations to deliver top ironing results in half the time.
TexStyle 9
Braun´s fastest steam iron.
Less food waste.
Food & Recipes
Start the day your way. Breakfast made just the way you like it.
Braun Feel Good Guide
Stay fit, eat healthy. A fitter life with healthier food.
Baby Nutrition
Homemade food: best for your baby, rewarding for you.
Garment Care
Learn how to master organisation.