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Užívajte si maximálnu presnosť a výkon v dlani – nový ponorný mixér MultiQuick 5 Vario vám poskytne 21 jednoducho nastaviteľných rýchlostí pre presnejšie výsledky mixovania. Rýchlosť sa dá ľahko nastaviť palcom a vysokoúčinný 1 000-wattový motor vám poskytne výkon, ktorý potrebujete na rýchlu prácu so širokou škálou potravín.
This motor unit is compatible with all Braun attachments with wave cut design.
Variable one-hand speed wheel – without interruption simply adjust the speed with your thumb.
Powerful 1000W motor for fast and easy preparation.
Extended cutting area. Blends whole foods in seconds.
Prevents splashing – to keep you and your kitchen spotless.
Two buttons, one movement for quick and easy changing of all the great EasyClick accessories.
Designed to be easily controlled by your thumb. You press the speed button with the same hand.
The partial soft-grip handle is ergonomically designed to be slimmer at the top for more control and better handling in every cooking situation.
Chops meat, hard cheese, nuts, herbs and carrots in seconds.
Effortlessly purée and mash cooked vegetables to a silky smooth result.
Easily whips, beats and stirs eggs, cream, fluffy dessert from low to high speed.
The 600 ml plastic beaker is BPA free and features ml and floz measurement markings.