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Hriankovač Braun nesmie chýbať na žiadnom raňajkovom stole. Ohromí nápadným moderným dizajnom a veľmi jednoducho a pohodlne sa používa. Hriankovač Braun sa dodáva s mnohými doplnkami a vytvára úžasné výsledky: od chrumkavého toastu až po chutné žemle.
With the 7 different settings you can choose your preferred degree of browning, no matter what type of bread.
Extra wide slots for toasting a big variety of breads.
With the comfort lift the bread can be moved up to a higher position and is kept there for safely retrieving.
Reheat, stop and defrost functions are located at the top of the toaster. Lift and browning setting control are on side.
Easily warm or toast large bread rolls and pastries with this practical removable attachment.