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MultiGrill 9 Pro

A melhor performance da Braun. Para resultados profissionais.

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Air fryers

Descubra a máxima comodidade.

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Breakfast Series 1

Exatamente o que precisa. Comece o seu dia da melhor forma.

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Ferros com caldeira

Poupe 50% do tempo para aquilo que realmente importa.*

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Coma bem, viva bem

Alimentação saudável tornada fácil.

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Coleção de receitas

Receitas fáceis e divertidas com a Braun.

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Função de Higienização

Mata mais de 99.99% dos vírus e bactérias¹.

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Descubra a gama Braun de aparadores de cabelo, barba e produtos de cuidado pessoal.

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Happy baby faces

Baby nutrition centre

Enjoy crafting healthy meals for your baby with Braun, from first puree to solid foods for optimal results.

The easy way to prepare baby food

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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 9 MQ 9195XLI

  • 224,39 €
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 9 MQ 9187XLI

  • 209,90 €
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 9 MQ 9147X


  • 169,90 €
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 7 MQ 7087X

  • 169,90 €
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 9 MQ 9135XI

  • 123,99 €
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 7 MQ 7045X

  • 110,90 €
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Pro MQ 55755 M

  • 94,90 €
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 7 MQ 7000X

  • 89,90 €
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Pro MQ 55254 M

  • 84,90 €
null Main
  • -5%

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Vario MQ 5237 BK

  • 80,29 €
  • 84,90 € Preço sugerido
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit MQ 5252 BKBL


  • 76,00 €
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 MQ 50236 M

  • 74,90 €
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Varinha Mágica MultiQuick 3 Vario MQ 3135 BK


  • 66,90 €
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 MQ 50201 M

  • 64,90 €
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 MQ30202M Branco

  • 62,90 €
null Main
  • -12%

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 MQ 535


  • 61,39 €
  • 69,90 € Preço sugerido
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 MQ 3105 BWH

  • 61,00 €
null Main

MultiQuick 5 Hand blender MQ 535 Sauce

  • 59,99 €
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 2 MQ20236MWH

  • $59.90
null Main
  • Novidade

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 MQ 55001 M

  • $59.90
null Main

MultiQuick 3 Hand blender MQ 3035 Sauce

  • $59.09
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 MQ30201M Preto

  • $57.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Vario MQ 5220 WH

  • $55.49
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 MQ 50001 M

  • $54.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Vario MQ 5200 WH

  • $49.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 Vario MQ 3100 Smoothie+

  • $49.59
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 MQ 3020 Pesto

  • $49.00
null Main

Acessório picador / liquidificador MQ 40 (1,25 l) Branco

  • $44.90
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 MQ 3000 WH Smoothie+

  • $43.69
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 2 MQ20001MWH

  • $35.90
null Main

Acessório picador / liquidificador MQ 40 (1,25 l) Preto

  • $30.69
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 1 MQ10.001M WH

  • $29.90
null Main

MQ 60 Acessório para moer café e especiarias

  • $24.79
null Main

Acessório batedor MQ 10 Preto

  • $15.39
null Main

Acessório Blend&Go para MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit Preto

  • $12.39
null Main

Acessório Blend&Go para MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit Branco

  • $12.39
null Main
  • -19%

MultiQuick 9 Hand blender MQ 9175XL


  • $144.90
  • $179.00
null Main
  • -27%

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Vario Fit MQ 5060 Twist

  • $54.90
  • $75.50
null Main

MultiQuick 9 Hand blender MQ 9138XI


  • $149.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 9 MQ9125XS

  • $129.90
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Varinha mágica Multiquick 7 MQ7035IWH


  • $88.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Vario MQ 5245 WH

  • $80.29
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Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Vario MQ 5237 WH

  • $80.00
null Main

Varinha Mágica MultiQuick 3 Vario MQ 3137 Sauce +

  • $79.90
null Main

MultiQuick 3 Vario Hand blender MQ 3125B White

  • $67.29
null Main

MultiQuick 5 Vario Hand blender MQ 5235 BK

  • $67.00
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 Vario MQ 5235 WH

  • $67.00
null Main

MultiQuick 3 Hand blender MQ 3038 Spice+

  • $56.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 MQ 3025 Esparguete

  • $55.49
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 MQ 525

  • $55.49
null Main

Acessório Processador de Alimentos MQ 70 (1,5 l) Branco

  • $55.49
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 MQ30001M Branco

  • $49.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 5 MQ 500


  • $41.99
null Main

Acessório processador de alimentos MQ 70 (1,5 l) preto

  • $41.90
null Main

MultiQuick 3 Hand blender MQ 3025 Omelette

  • $39.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 3 MQ 3000 Smoothie

  • $37.79
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 1 MQ 100 Caril

  • $35.90
null Main

MultiQuick 3 Hand blender MQ 3020 Pasta

  • $32.90
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 1 MQ 100 Soup

  • $26.29
null Main

Varinha mágica MultiQuick 1 MQ 100 Dip

  • $23.59

Not sure which model fits your hand blender?

Learn more

Braun guide delivers tried-and-tested recipes

In the age of social media, nutrition is a major topic. Information on this topic, however, is often very contradictory and confusing. More and more parents are seeking peace of mind and are focused on finding the right diet for their children. By cooking their own baby food, parents can be confident that they have prepared a natural, healthy meal for their child. And with the right equipment, preparing baby food can be quick and easy!

To help parents in feeding their children, this Braun guide delivers tried-and-tested recipes for everything from purees and solid baby food to family meals, all with guaranteed success, and photos to whet your appetite! As well as helpful nutrition tips.
Tomato puree in a bowl.

Homemade food: best for your baby, rewarding for you.

Preparing homemade food is the best way to ensure your little one gets the best nutrition; vitamin-packed fresh fruit and vegetables with none of the colourings, flavourings or additives that a tiny tummy simply does not need! Blending your choice of ingredients into delicious, fresh meals also helps your baby develop healthy eating habits and can provide a wide variety of tastes and textures.
A piece of lasagna on a plate

What do I need to quickly prepare nutritious food for my baby and toddler?

Most of us buy readymade baby food from time to time, but there’s no better way to make sure food is nutritious and tasty than to prepare it yourself from fresh ingredients. However there are so many different things that are competing for your time, from looking after the house to caring for you child. That’s where your Braun MultiQuick hand blenders comes in.
Woman at the kitchen counter preparing a vegetable mash with the Braun MultiQuick 5 with Small Portion Shaft accessory.

For the little pleasures

With a specially-sized blending bell and a dedicated 250 ml beaker the new Small portion shaft is your perfect attachment for mixing small baby food for all stages of your child. And thanks to the EasyClick+ connection, it is also super easy to use.
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The stages of feeding.


Up to 6 months

From birth until around 6 months old, your baby will get all the nutrition it needs from breast or formular milk.
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6-7 months

Baby’s regular milk plus simple, soft pureés made from one or two fruits or vegetables, baby rice and lentils.
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A Baby plate filled with fresh cucumber porridge and toast

7-9 months

Baby’s regular milk plus fruit, vegetable and rice purées, with the addition of well puréed meats, other legumes, soft pasta, fromage frais and soft finger foods.
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A babys plate with a smiling face made out of carrots and bredsticks

9-12 months

Less milk, thicker purées, more chopped foods, cheese and eggs, more finger foods like chopped soft fruits and vegetables, toasted bread, with dips, soft sandwiches.
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A kids bowl with spaghetti bolognese

13-23 Monate

Die Vielfalt der Lebensmittel auf viele Familienlebensmittel erweitern. Essen in der Familie.

Mehr erfahren
Oat cookies on wooden plate

24 Monate aufwärts

Essen in der Familie.

Mehr erfahren

Zubehör für all deine Wünsche


Dein Alltagshelfer

Der Mixerbehälter des MultiQuick Systems von Braun ist die perfekte Wahl für die Zubereitung aller Arten von täglichen Mahlzeiten. Die Zubereitung großer Portionen für die ganze Woche ist so einfach wie ein Tastendruck.

Blending shaft

Schmaler Pürierfuß

Wenn der Hunger zuschlägt

Mit dem speziell geformten Mixaufsatz und dem dazugehörigen 250-ml-Becher ist dieser praktische Küchenhelfer ideal für kleine Portionen Babynahrung. Mit dem EasyClick+ Anschluss ist eine erfrischende Beerenjoghurt-Pause nur einen Handgriff entfernt.

Small portion shaft


Sofortiger Genuss für Naschkatzen

Du musst nicht den Handmixer herausholen: Der Doppelschneebesen ist der perfekte MultiQuick-System-Aufsatz für die Zubereitung von Waffeln oder Pfannkuchen im Handumdrehen. Ein Wunsch, ein Rührschlag, ein Biss

Double beater

350 ml chopper

Verlockende Vitamine

Gesundes Essen kann lecker sein. Mit diesem 350 ml fassenden Zerkleinerer kannst du Gemüse oder Obst in leckere Kindermahlzeiten verwandeln und Püree oder weiche Speisen mit Struktur versehen - da kann man nur schwer widerstehen.

350 ml chopper

Beaker & lid

Bleib cool - bleib locker!

Der 600-ml-Kunststoffbecher wird mit einem praktischen Deckel geliefert, so dass du die frisch gemixten Reste einfach und sauber im Kühlschrank aufbewahren kannst - oder ihn für unterwegs mitnehmen kannst.

Beaker & lid

Wichtige Vitamine und Mineralien


Baby eating


Die Phasen der Babyernährung

A carregar